Monday, August 8, 2022

Swept and humiliated, the crumbling Yankees must now overcome Cashman's Folly

Five straight losses since the trade deadline - a wave of deals that was supposed to fortify the rotation and build a stress-free September. Yeah. Right.

Remember our great expectations? YES broadcast a celebratory trade deadline special with Brylcreem Jack Curry. We gorged on the rumors - most notably, that we'd unload The Martian to Cincinnati for Luis Castillo, or pay Joey Gallo's salary and actually get somebody in return. (Actually, we did receive a great future funny trivia name: Clayton Beeter.) We would spend at the deadline, taking on a contract or two, because that's what the Yankees used to do - remember Cecil Fielder, David Justice, Tim Raines? - before Frugal Hal began using the franchise as a family ATM. 

Five straight losses. Turns out, every trade hinged on long term player contracts, with an eye toward reducing payroll. Will it mean a bigger offer to Judge next winter? If this team collapses, it probably won't matter. Judge will want out, and some owner - Dodgers, Padres, Phillies, Mets? - will offer crazy-stupid money, while Food Stamps pulls out his pockets and pleads poverty. 

Five straight losses. Cashman may have just beaten his career-worst trade deadline - even worse than 2010, when he dealt Mark Melancon for a buttery Lance Berkman. (All that's needed is for one of prospects we traded to become a star, and it will be Cash's worst.) 

Worth noting: As part of the deal, if Harrison Bader cannot return for the playoffs, the Cardinals will give us a player to be named later... or CASH!  (Oh, goody, goody, hooray, money, money, money!)  A new boat would help Hal deal with the collapse of his team and impending loss of its premier player. Though we will have Clayton Beeter.

Five straight losses. Was Gallo that popular? And now, as part of the new Yankee parlor game, the team each day trots out a new apologist to explain the Montgomery deal. 

It all makes sense - and then another cog in the deal gets torched.

Yesterday, three newcomers - Frankie Montas, Scott Effross and Lou Trivino - gave up 9 runs between them. Nine. Terrible outings in a big, sellout Sunday afternoon game. Afterwards, the Death Bargers called it an aberration, though Montas' background features multiple red flags, including a sore shoulder, and Effross is among the MLB leaders in games pitched. You can almost hear a "tick-tick-tick" when he comes in.  

Five straight losses. Now, they will disappear into the radio silence of a late night West Coast series.  Jameson Tailion pitches tonight, and they really really really need a big game from him. Any bets? Maybe we can bring up you know who!


  1. Cashman could be part of the biggest play-off collapse and biggest regular season collapse and he'll still have a job

  2. hahaha ..people like you were clamoring for trades ALL YEAR LONG ... now you are criticizing the deals. Must be great to sit on the sidelines and criticize when things are going bad. It's baseball, peaks and valleys. It was smart to get players you have financial control over, those who disagree just don't know how baseball works as a business. Keep playing those video games.

  3. I seem to remember that every recent mid-season trade acquisitions would feature one or more players coming in, saying how they were excited to become a Yankee, and then actually showing their excitement on the field. Encarnacion? Here comes the parrot. Rizzo? HRs and great plays at 1st for the crowd's delight. Urshela and Voit and Ford and Tauchman and Maybin and McCutchen? Mainstays for a few years or bright streaking stars for a few months. They were fun and they helped the team win games.

    This year, though? We get the OF version of IKF, a plantar fasciitis case from the Bronx, and several clones of Sonny Gray. This group makes me feel seasick at best, bury my head in hot desert sand at worst.

  4. TB, check your handkerchief after you cough.

  5. Hey TB! I know you're not Brian "The Genius" Cashman, as he's too busy to post on this blog, but I'd pay money to bet that you work in his office and maybe hope to one day clean his toilet seat with your tongue.

    "People like you" is the giveaway.

    And your "logic" and "reasoning" is what nails it.

    Please keep posting. We love to engage with people like you.

    We really, really really do.


  6. Hey, take it easy, everybody.

    TB has a point: As fans, we are consistently inconsistent. And there are always experts - coaches, scouts, learned Gammonites - to tell us just how ignorant and foolish we are. I get it.

    But the Yankees have lost five straight. Five straight. To get me back in the jollies, all they need to do is start winning games again. Right now, that almost looks impossible. We had great hopes for the trade deadline. They've gone out the window. We look appreciably worse.

    I mean, we just followed up a 1-0 loss - no hitting - with a 12-9 shootout - no pitching. We are finding ways to lose, and that's a dangerous ledge, no matter how far ahead you are.

  7. If I were an outsider (which I'm not) and didn't root for the Yankees, I would see that the Yanks have been losing ever since Stanton has been on the DL and that the situation has been exacerbated by Rizzo being placed on the DL in addition to...

    All the pitching injuries have led to our demise also. When we had that streak earlier in the year...we were we're not...WTG Ca$h and Boone for implementing the "rest roulette"'s that working out for ya now?

  8. Hal "Clueless" Steinbrenner is getting what he bargained for, along with his incompetent GM, Analytics Geek Cashman. Do the Yankees remind you of a Baseball team across town. Under The Wilpons, The Mets sought out the cheaper alternative. The Clueless Yankees believe that they will walk into the playoffs and win. There is no urgency, presently. We get to watch the mistakes that The Genius brought in. Now it is all crumbling down.

  9. I really think the losing streak - in addition to what has already been accurately pointed out here (Rizzo/Stanton not in the lineup - pitching injuries, loss of Monty, etc) is that the Twitch is no longer in the clubhouse. Gallo was the teams pin cushion - their doll of voodoo - their lightning rod. His sad story and the abuse he endured helped keep everyone together and loose. There was a steady pulse, a flowing stream of compassion and support. Now that it's gone (along with Monty) everything feels unmoored, untethered, unsure, unclean, unfastened and clearly unravelling.

    Boone is overmatched and clearly overwhelmed. We saw it immediately following the trade deadline.

    Something needs to be done to bring that team back together. Lighten the mood. Reduce the damn humidity!

    Or the slide will continue.

  10. Love the escutcheon, AA! "Dmitri? Dmitri? There's no need to talk like that, Dmitri!"

    I think, as professionals, these guys knew Gallo HAD to be gone. I suspect that what stunned them was losing Montgomery, especially as they could no doubt see that the pitching was so wobbly.

  11. The team wasn't truly as good as it looked in June and it's not truly as bad as it has looked since mid-July.

    Hicks, Donaldson, Torres, Taillon, Holmes have struggled.

    Judge, Rizzo, Trevino, LeMahieu, Cortes have been good.

    The scariest thing I've seen is our propensity to allow home runs.

    The pessimist would say our early-season success with HR prevention was unsustainable.

    The optimist would say our early-season success with HR prevention will return when the weather cools again in October.

    I think things will right themselves eventually. This is a playoff team, though not a championship club.

  12. @TB, don't know what "people like you" that you are referring to who were "clamoring for trades all year long".

    Most of us were clamoring for the Yankee nitwits to bring up Florial and Andujar, stick them in CF and LF/DH and leave them there. If that had been done early in the year, we probably wouldn't be in this shit right now.

    I did not want them to trade all of these young pitchers, Sears, the two W's. I was on the record that I didn't want anybody's else's garbage. I'd rather take a chance with my own.

    It sure would've been fiscally responsible to take a chance on your own. If one or two work out, then you just saved a ton of money, and you increased your chances of winning this year and next.

    There's no doubt that trading Montgomery for Hader was a "smart" financial move, but only if you look at it from management's own stupid perspective. What they passed up was bringing up having a Florial in CF, who would cost them even less than Hader, and be under financial control for even longer. And we'd have kept Montgomery too and could've used him as a long reliever in the playoffs. Management took a chance on torpedo-ing this season. But who am I to criticize Brain-less Cashman? I'm just a dumb, financially ignorant fan.

  13. But you know, TB is RIGHT!

    We all ought to be ashamed of our continued, "sitting on the sidelines." I, for one, volunteer IMMEDIATELY to give poor Brian Cashman a break, and take over his job for the rest of this season—or, if that's what it takes, many seasons to come!

    WHO'S WITH ME??!! Who else among you video-game players is willing to step in and take control of the Yankees' front office???

    It is, I know, a fearsome task.

    You may actually have to travel to...Tampa. In the summer! You will have to keep your eyes open while Hal Steinbrenner speaks! You will have to associate with people such as Lonn Trost and Randy Levine. Everyday, Aaron Boone will come to you with that puppy dog expression, wondering what it is he should do. EVERYDAY.

    Worst of all, you will have to untangle the almost unbelievably wreckage that Brian Cashman has made of the greatest sports franchise in North American history!

    It won't be easy. And your compensation will only be enormous salaries, lavish perks and benefits, and the amorous attention of crazy women at parties!

    But now is the time, this is our destiny! C'mon, men!

  14. Seriously, TB, I think the difference is that we wanted Cashman to make GOOD trades, Not BAD trades. Do you see the difference there?

  15. I vote for Hoss as GM.

    With extra peyote.

    Point of clarification: no one here was clamoring for the trades that were executed. And they were executions.
    No one here had even heard of that injured CF.

  16. But Hammer is right. Most of us here are classic prospect huggers. So are most real baseball fans, I suspect. The real joy in the sport is seeing guys come up through your system and make good.

    Had Cooperstown Cashie given a month—which he had—to the likes of Andujar, Florial, Sears, and Schmidt, I don't think anyone would have kicked. Had they flopped, then I think we all would have said, fine, move on.

    We've generally been pretty damned consistent about that.

    I think I've only written about 3-4 dozen times about "the Cashman Conundrum"—how the little elf just can't make good trades, so why do them? Like most people here, I was fine with keeping Gio at third and signing one of the 57 available, power-hitting shortstops during the off-season.

    But again: everyone here was pretty much up for making a big, risky trade for Castillo or Soto, or both. And we said so...

  17. Finally, I think we ALL thought the pitching on this team was an illusion—especially the starting pitching.

    But hey, Cashman got 2-3 months more out of the staff than we thought was possible. Credit where credit was due.

    BUT...with said pitching visibly crumbling...the job was to strengthen it. NOT to bring is a sore-armed mediocrity who can only pitch effectively with about 40 acres of foul territory, a washed-up back of the pen guy, and a child-like sidearmer who seems as ready for the pressures of a big town pennant race as your average high schooler would be...

  18. ZacharyA, I will only say that for once, you're wrong. This team is even worse than it looks right now. Players will come out of slumps, even on the instruction-challenged Yankees ("Guys, you're just NOT hitting strikes hard!")

    When your pitching goes? It's every man to the lifeboats, and devil take the hindmost.

  19. Unsure if TB’s comment is satire or stupidity.

    Instead of “sitting on the sidelines” perhaps we should be storming the barricades of the the team’s Capitalist Castle, noose in hand a la Jan. 6?

    I better take the rest of the day off. I am a white hot ball of anger, seething at the team’s ownership/management, knowing full well the same fools will be back again next year yielding similar results.

  20. HorCL66 - I hereby offer my vast professional knowledge and experience

    To join you in this effort to take over for Cash

    To heal this Rash before it eats its way Past

    The Yankeedermis and consumes the entire team

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. BTR999

    Political Alert System activated

    Put the zip ties down and step away from your computer

    I decree that Jan 6th will be removed from all future textbooks

    OH WAIT - there won't be any textbooks in the future

    Plus a great friend of mine's birthday is on January 6th.


  23. Sears had already pitched very well whenever he got the chance here. Andujar was a full year major leaguer, should have won Rookie of the Year but got robbed. Florial, too, looked pretty good whenever he was up here. As the Master said, he never looked overmatched. All of these players would've helped.

    The two W's never got a major league call up. So we have no idea about them. But do you think they'd have been any worse than Lou Trivino or Scott Effross? Most probably not.

    And because they picked up more idiots like Trivino, they had to send down Ron Marinaccio, who'd done nothing wrong. Anything wrong with that picture? How about if Brain-less stops picking up crappy players, then maybe we can keep Marinaccio on the roster?

  24. Thanks AA

    I want to apologize to everyone for inappropriately dragging politics into the conversation.

    TB, I am sorry for the personal comment. You should post your opinion whatever it may be.
    I’m just really pissed off. I’ll will re-set my self control filter.

    Have a good day all, I do hope we win tonight.

  25. HAHA HA 999

    I hear Cavill is on the verge of coming back.

  26. Thanks, AA! Who else is with me? Remember: all you have to lose is your inadequate health care plan!

  27. And yeah, Trivino was a particularly stupid pick-up, one of those acquisitions made just to show us what a genius Cashman is.

    As for Effross...the moment I saw him standing by the foul line, grimacing like a worried Little Leaguer when the first batter he faced in Yankee Stadium almost went yard on him...I realized that this guy is never going to do a thing for us.

  28. Yeah, I didn't like the Effross trade at all. Even before he threw a pitch. Seems that we should've gone all out to get Castillo. Then patch up the bullpen using our own rookies, Sears, the two W's, Marinaccio, Clarke Schmidt, whoever is left after the Castillo trade. That's the way I would've gone.

  29. No problem, HC66.

    Plus I will be happy to provide graphic support of Cashman's decline as he rapidly rappels down into a Labyrinth world of elfin dementia

  30. AA - "Gallo was the teams pin cushion - their doll of voodoo - their lightning rod."


    Hoss -

    " I think the difference is that we wanted Cashman to make GOOD trades, Not BAD trades. Do you see the difference there?"

    This x5

    Hammer -

    "Sears had already pitched very well whenever he got the chance here." "The two W's never got a major league call up. So we have no idea about them. But do you think they'd have been any worse than Lou Trivino or Scott Effross? Most probably not.

    And because they picked up more idiots like Trivino, they had to send down Ron Marinaccio, who'd done nothing wrong. Anything wrong with that picture? How about if Brain-less stops picking up crappy players, then maybe we can keep Marinaccio on the roster?"

    This x10!



    The two guys we wanted/needed, Castillo and Sosa, didn't happen. That's why we're bitchin'

    Also we're fans.

    Don't know how long you've been reading, but since nothing really changes in Yankeeland one of the major characteristics of this site, is to complain and complain as creatively as possible.


    I can't speak for everyone but I don't really play a lot of videogames, just an inordinate amount of solitaire. Mostly during games as a coping mechanism to take the edge off of the unfolding horror that is our 2022 Yankees.


    As of today, the Yankees and the Mets have identical won-loss records as they pass each other in opposite directions.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.


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