Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Game 142: Buck Foston



  1. Shortly after Zimmer got Pedro'd I was fortunate enough to have lower level box seats behind home plate at a SF Giants vs Red Sox day game in San Francisco.

    Pedro was the starting pitcher that day.

    I knew these seats well - and knew that I'd be right smack in Pedro's eye line.

    So I had a giant Don Zimmer head made (mounted on foam core) that I wore as a face mask.

    I was also wearing a Yankees road jersey.

    The fans were into it - with several asking for me to pose with them wearing the mask.

    Red Sox lost that game.

    It was wonderful :)

  2. A giant Don Zimmer head? That must have been like… almost life size.

  3. It was 4x larger than an average human head.

    So roughly the same size as Zimmer’s noggin’

  4. Well Suzyn laid down the gauntlet for Cole…. Along the lines of “You better fucking win you asshole baby who thinks he’s an ace”

  5. Ok. We need pictures of the giant Zimmer head.

  6. "Along the lines of “You better fucking win you asshole baby who thinks he’s an ace”"


  7. AA,

    Found the game. June 19, 2004. Can't find a Zim pic though.

    Added bonus that game -- big head bonds went 0fer with an error.

  8. I’ve never heard Going Going Gone-zolez. Pretty good.

  9. John: "The last guy you'd expect to hit a HR."


  10. Guy who didn't have a home run this year.

  11. The first guy was batting .095.

  12. “The yankees maximize the value of every pitch, and Coupa maximized the value of business spend”.

    As a Coupa customer, I can tell you those are both lies.



  14. Colon ace. I have a colonoscopy on Friday. (Always nice to have a procedure knowing everyone in the room). The woman doc who will be performing it has a deeper voice than Colace.

    And it will be less painful than watching colace.

  15. I'm listening to music tonight. I can survive the game feed.

  16. Looks like Alan Moore’s younger brother Fred is sitting behind the dugout ….

  17. I can’t decide which I find more distasteful: our “Ace” talking to himself as he came off the mound or the advert for baseball gambling in between innings.

    Cole sucks. He hit your big flat fastball you turd!

    Put Pete in the Hall.

  18. So between Nat King Coke, Iron Man Stanton and Aaron Hicks and the Hot Licks, that’s 80m dollars. A little less than twice the Rays payroll. But they can’t pay Judge. Cashman should be arrested for malfeasance. A great line from “Its a wonderful life”

  19. Triston Casas and Reese McGuire. I have seen real aces. I have listened to real aces. And Mr. Cole, you are no ace!

  20. Dick,

    Pete should be in the hall. It will never happen.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Yeah, baseball and sports in general are just asking for it on gambling—particularly now that it has been broken down to betting on just individual plays or innings.

    You can throw bets without anyone even noticing.

  23. I know Rufus.

    Baseball is in the gambling business and governments are running numbers.

    It’s a wonderful life.


  24. Wow. Cole just pitched around that kid.

  25. Waste management logo on the backstop. Fits in with the draft kings promotions. What could possibly go wrong with the mafia and the betting rackets joint venture?

  26. I know how this season is going to end, but being here makes it easier. Even enjoyable. If it weren’t for all of you, I wouldn’t care.

    It’s a little like Mystery Science Theater.

    Making the unbearable tolerable.

  27. You should see us do a running commentary on Attack of the Giant Leeches.

  28. Judge is having a hell of a year.

  29. The atbat stream is ridiculously behind. 2 minutes at least.


  31. Wonders never cease. Jogginson Torres hustling to first.

  32. cole gave it back again. un-believable

  33. Judge has an AMAZING 56 home runs. All the more amazing is he’s never faced Cole.

  34. It will only cost them $270m to DFA him. Might be worth it

  35. The proverbial million dollar arm with a fifty cent head.

  36. Celerino,
    You made me think of Johnny Dangerously and the fargin' iceholes.

  37. John doesn't like the batting order with Judge and Stanton batting with no one on.

    John for ANALytical department head.

  38. I can’t believe they’re going to lose this game. Cole should be ashamed of himself.

  39. That Judge kid might actually be a good player someday.

  40. Judge is winning the $100 million bet he made this spring. And it may pay 3:1.

  41. 4-5 more in 20 games? We can hope. But he’s going to Mets. The Mets don’t deserve him.

    When I was much younger I took some friends to NYC to see the Yankees play the Sox. Rural NH kids. My dad still worked in NYC during the week so the place was free on weekends. Anyway, we had time to kill and wanted to not pay for the Circle Line yet still see the Statue of Liberty. Staten Island Ferry…. I’d previously scared them by driving down South Orange Avenue into Newark (again killing more time…). There were some Staten Island toughies and they could tell we weren’t local. My friends were like “uh oh…” but I knew they could be shut down with the slightest dominance. Aside from being from Staten Island, they had Mets hats on. Complete losers. Backed off like mice. Red Sox fans are the same way. Complete cowards. They couldn’t even show up to this game at Fenway apparently.

    So like I said, the Mets don’t deserve Judge. But Hal doesn’t either.

  42. Beau,

    Orange Avenue? Did you supply a change of underwear?

    At least it sounds like you did it in daylight.

    And was the weed good?

  43. How in the name of all that is holy is Aaron Hicks hitting in this ballgame????????!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!

    Hell, how in the name of all that is evil is he hitting???????!!!!!!!

    (Evil called in, to disavow any association with Aaron Hicks.)

  44. Aaron Judge is the league's MVP, but mark what I say here: Those inbred fuckers are going to give the MVP to Ohtani. It will be the third time Judge has been robbed of an MVP.

    Inbred mutant freak small minded Gaommonite monger fuckers.

  45. What they need now is a Baltimore chop.

    ...or a walk.

  46. Weed? You go to Newark for coke! J/k we were leaving South Orange (I needed bagels) and logically went through Vailsburg to get on the Parkway. What I think bothered them the most was that.. in the 90’s at least… Black people didn’t believe in crosswalks. They’d just walk right at your car… to cross in the middle of the the street... but it sure could feel like they were coming right at us. The street was also packed with people. It was alive. I’ve gone back, there’s much less milling around. Springfield Avenue in Irvington used to be one of those alive streets too. Like the mall at Christmas, but outdoors, on the street, and the place looks like a disaster area. Back then border third world. There are chain stores there now… Advance Auto, Kentucky Fried Chicken instead of “Kennedy” Fried Chicken which is what was around back then. We were in a Jaguar XJS and I remember my friend slumped down so low he was below his knees were above his head.

    Don’t get me in the way back machine…. But sometimes us children were pawned off on my Grandfather. He’d always take us to Newark for some reason. Dickie Dees, Garrutos, Calandras. We were the most Italian Irish people I knew. Anyway, I don’t know where we were… Roseville probably… and this black “woman” in a chartruese glittery or sequin dress came up to the Impala wagon. More walking the street than crossing it. She quickly left when she saw us kids.

  47. Evil doesn't want to be associated with such a loser.

  48. Is calling a tie game “knotted” a normal phrase, or a Sterlingism?

  49. Not sure how you take a weak hack like Gonzalez did in this situation
    This isn’t BP

    Also took the bat out of Judge’s hands

    Now watch Stanton fail…

  50. Gleyber for the week grounder for $100 Alex.

  51. Give credit when it is due: that was nice hitting by Torres.

    Florial making a bid to be on Sportcenter.

  52. Beau, I think “knotted” for a tie score is old-fashioned but not a John coinage.

  53. Cole isn’t an ace. He’s more of a deuce.

  54. Boone is "managing", bringing in Peralta. Already you can feel this going down the drain.

  55. This game is going to kill me. WALK DEVERS.


  57. He made it through, but I don’t like Peralta’s ego at all. Red Sox walk Judge and we don’t Devers?

  58. Wow - that ending was like passing a water Buffalo (and I’m not talking on the freeway)

  59. All right, Wandy comes through. And I give Ma Boone his props.

  60. It was a Gleyber Day. All Rose. Wandy made me vomit. Big Yankees win.

  61. I wanted to walk him, too. But...Peralta did have great numbers against Devers. And while Devers is a terrific hitter, he does seem to have the Yankees problem of never cutting down his swing for the situation. He was either going to knock a ball out of the park against Peralta, or he was going to fan.

    Fortunately, he fanned.

  62. Gained half-a-game on both BJs and D-Rays, who conveniently beat each other.

  63. Thank goodness the imbedded Met was out there.

  64. I also would have walked him. Then I saw his stats and realized that JD Martinez would have come up with the bases loaded.

    Big win!

  65. I wish our fauxAce would not give up so many freaking home runs

  66. Well, in fairness, two of the gopher balls that Cole gave up were Pesky Pole specials. But still. Pitch like a fucking ace, ACE!

  67. I sometimes wonder if we aren't a bit hard on the lads. No sympathy for upper management, and only pity with Boooone. Given the teams who will make the playoffs, none are true dreadnaughts, between roster construction and injuries. Even the Dodgers can fall. If the Team goes into the playoffs healthy especially drawing inspiration from Judge, maybe we roll the table. But most who are on this blog already know that.....

  68. PS, Judge fucking DAMN well better win the MVP. We all smell the fuckery that MLB, ESPN, The Knights Templar, and others are brewing to toss the award to the Greatest Player ever. BETTER NOT HAPPEN.

  69. He may not win because people in KC, St. Louis and Seattle won't vote for a Yankee.
    Seattle is still protesting the way they were made to look so "quaint" in Ball Four.
    Too many areas just detest the Yanks

  70. @BJBP...I grew up on the Jersey shore and Newark seemed like it was in another country as a kid. But visiting later as an adult, I find that the Ironbound section of the city has some fantastic restaurants, especially for Portuguese food.

  71. @ AA....saw your comment on DFA 50 million in player salary. Hal would rather sever his toes than DFA even a fraction of that amount.


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