Thursday, September 1, 2022

The state of the Yankees



  1. I have pretty much avoided the Yankees over the last few days, only perusing this site for fellow travelers .
    Here's why

    I have a 59 year old friend who just found out that she has 2 half siblings she did not know about.
    She knew that her Dad had been a bit of a cad, but not to the extent of basically spawning a second family. This has shaken her to her core.
    She will never think of him the same again.

    I'm like that with the Yanks since I heard that asshole Hal bought part of a soccer team. While I have nothing particularly against the sport which all 3rd world countries love, that asshole Hal has traded on the name and brand of the Yankees for his own enrichment.

    The brand "made' by millions of loyal fans' devotion, passed on from generation to generation and this asshole takes that brand and uses it to buy a foreign soccer team.

    He doesn't take the money generated by us, the fans [that includes TV money], and plow it into the team. No, he gives us this monstrosity when we should be the spending like the Dodgers and the Mets. Then we have to hear the asshole talk about bondholders and how much he has to revenue share with other teams.

    Then the asshole takes Yankee money and buys part of a foreign soccer team.

    I am done done done.
    I will still view this site and follow MILB, but I won't invest time or money into the Yankee brand till this asshole is gone.
    I would not cry at his funeral.


  2. Archangel, you have said something profound and done it well.

    Thank you.

  3. Wow. Wish I'd said that. Thanks Arch.

    And I actually like soccer.

  4. I feel exactly the same way. The problem is Hal Steinbrenner. Thanks to Spreadsheet Hal - the useless trust funder - we have Cashman the Intern, Levine the Crooked Politician, Boone the Babysitter and a completely unqualified Geek Squad running the team.

    As predicted, they feast on weak teams and get snuffed by the best, while providing the most boring baseball I've ever seen. More boring than watching paint dry and less exciting than studying actuarial tables after midnight. Indeed, the only thing worth paying attention to is Judge's march toward history, while knowing he's probably gone once his contract runs out.

    I've already resolved not to spend another penny on the Yankees until Hal Steinbrenner sells the team. And I'll be wearing the baseball hat of whatever team Judge ends up on, when I take the softball field in the spring. I've been a Yankee fan since 1963, but Hal and Cashman have killed my loyalty and my interest. Thank god I still play softball.

  5. If any of you computer whizzes know how to send my poignant and succinct soliloquy [rant] to the Yankees, please do so.
    I can't quite master that and for some reason, my prior IT minions won't do it for me since I retired.
    Thanks gang for the support.

  6. please feel free to whiteout the profanity so that it won't be screened to the "trash" segment of their email.

  7. Yes Steinbrenner is the architect who designed this collapsing building.

    A dead fish rots from the head on down.

  8. ...a collapsing building where the rents just keep going up.

  9. Exactly, Dr. T. Hal is yet more proof as to why monarchies are a bad idea, and an estate tax for the upper echelons is a good one.

  10. Archie, why not just send it as an old-fashioned letter?

    I imagine the Yankees don't have much of a letter-answering department left these days. Imagine if some, gulping, pimple-faced intern were deluged with millions of letters from enraged fans? Someone would have to pay attention.

    Incidentally, I would not only cut out the profanity, but also the reference to "3rd world countries." That will just enable them to pretend you're a racist—which we know you're not—and disregard what you're writing.

    Stick it to them in as genteel and coldly furious a manner as possible! We ALL should.

  11. Alas, Arch, you're sent email to the Yankees will never be read regardless of who sends it.
    Even if it somehow made its way past the algorithmic barrier of words that sends your message and others like it to the spam folder or auto-delete, most likely it would be pinned to the Bloated Front Office's break room door where it would be deemed as comic relief causing the
    $ 5000 suited fools to spit coffee on their $ 500 ties from fits of laughter.

  12. Horace, I had the same thought. It should be changed to "Developing Countries".

  13. @Archie, I think the way to do it would be to start a gofundme page to raise funds to buy an entire page of a large newspaper. We would then publish the letter for all the public to read. Hopefully, the media picks up on it and it goes completely viral on the internet. One person sending a single letter won't get any attention at all.

  14. Agreed, Carl, but I would say don't even go there. Obviously, futball—for reasons that continue to elude us—remains wildly popular in Germany, France, England, and Italy, home of HAL's latest purchase.

    Go no, but there it is. Archie should just write, "which is loved all around the world."

    Arch, aren't you glad we're line-editing you here? :)

  15. @Archie, I'm just seeing this and I agree 1000000000000000000000%, WELL DONE SIR!

  16. Do the old " Fire Allie Sherman " routine. Find out when Hal is on his yacht and hire a plane to pull a banner or skywrite a message.

  17. Folks
    I should not have insulted all of those beings which inhabit "developing countries" who are currently walking or swimming their way to our shores, holding their soccer balls aloft who love a game in which we care not use our hands except to assist us when withering on the pitch after getting kicked in the shinguard by grown men wearing nylon shorts.

    Just saying, it ain't baseball and there is a reason my four grandparents left their soccer balls in Europe when they got on the boat.

    I apologize.

  18. But those countries are not developing. That's just a comforting terminological myth of the guilt-ridden liberals who continue to fuck them over.

  19. The State Of The Yankees is that they are getting exactly what they deserve and we as the fans, unfortunately are too. When you buy at MLB bargain basements and do not develop players, this will happen. So, it's 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 choke. Lift six foot, seven foot, eight foot bunch. Playoffs come and The Yankees go go home!


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