Thursday, September 1, 2022

Timmy Trumpet and the Yankees rightful response

 The Mets have unveiled their new closer music sensation, Timmy Trumpet. 

Here's what the Yankees should pose as an alternative:


  1. Wow, looks like they're having fun over at Shea. Are they going to have a banner day too?

  2. The walkout song for the Bronx Bummers should be HELP!

  3. Duque - very funny.

    Winnie - It's a party at Citi Field. Great owner. Great manager. Great ball park. Plus a team that is better than the collection of retreads, miscreants, and losers we put out there every night.

  4. Duque, you are en fuego.

    And yes, they are having fun over there. The night before, when they were trying to score the tying run in the ninth, they were all jumping up and down and screaming in the rain.

    Imagine how much fun they'll have next year, when they add Judge to this lineup. Picture it when they have Judge and the Polar Bear hitting back to back.

    I know, I know: that would violate the 57 Secret Rules of Three True Outcomes Baseball. But I bet they'll do well.

    Not to worry, though. We'll have an OF of Florial, Hicks, and Tots Bader.

  5. Here is more music for us. Can we get someone to hijack the sound system and stick this on at the end of the next home game?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Here are two fabulous songs for the 2022 Yankees:

    1. Beck:

    Soy un perdador
    I'm a loser baby
    So why don't you kill me?

    2. Jet:

    Oh, look what you've done
    You've made a fool of everyone

    I like that first one. Sounds like a soccer chant. HAL should come out and lead the crowd, singing it during the 7th inning stretch. It'll be like our very own Sweet Caroline tradition! We're losers, and we're proud of it, soy un perd-a-dor.... I'm a loser ba-beeeeee, so why don't you kill me?


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