Saturday, January 21, 2023

With Shelley Duncan managing Scranton, the Yankees have someone who will fight for his teammates

Congrats to Shelley Duncan, new manager of the Scranton RailBidens, and kudos to the Yanks for hiring him. (Maybe those old guys DO know something?)

Duncan, 43, is the hero who stood up for Frankie Cervelli in March of 2008, after a Tampa goon named Elliot Johnson, in the ninth inning of an exhibition game, barreled into the 22-year-old catcher at home plate - in an exhibition game - breaking Cervelli's wrist and nearly derailing the kid's career - In. A. Fucking. Exhibition. Game.   

Yank manager Joe Girardi called it "uncalled for." Cervelli, who held onto the ball for an out, missed months, playing only 27 games that season. He'd been on the cusp of making the roster. He basically lost the year.

Disgracefully, weasel-faced Rays manager Joe Maddon - known for the over-shifts that MLB now bans - said nothing. Nada. Zilch.  

A few days later, the Yanks and Rays met again. Early on, Duncan drop-kicked himself into second base, spikes high as Tom Cruise's forehead, nearly excising a Ray's testicle. In the brawl that ensued, the Yankees - lead by the 6'5" Duncan - stood up for their teammate. The whiny Rays griped about a high slide. Little babies. 

It was one of our finest hours.

Duncan was no hot-head brawler. He comported himself well through a seven-year MLB career, hitting  43 HRs with three teams, and finishing in -of course! - Tampa. In 2009, the year the Yankees won it all, Duncan won the International League MVP at Scranton. Back then, he posted thumbnail movie reviews on his Twitter account - along the lines of Not Seth Rogan's Oscar or Will Farrell scores again!  

Cervelli ended up playing 13 years with four teams, finishing with a .268 career average. He faced multiple injuries, including a home plate beaning that sent Damar Hamlin shivers across the bleachers. For a while, he was known for his huge helmet, which looked like something out of Flintstones. Last year, he coached for the Padres. 

So, here's how this should go. Come October, Boone either wins a ring or goes fishing in the Bermuda Triangle and catches super gonorrhea from the loo. The Yankees hire a replacement who has won the respect of their future franchise stars - Anthony Volpe and Jasson Dominguez. Duncan becomes Yankee manager, and you know what we have? 

A fighter. And I'll take it. 


  1. A reminder that violence is never the answer except sometimes.


  2. This is a great way to start the day

  3. I’d rather see: Yankees, four games out of first at the all star break, replace Boone with Duncan. Team goes on a 15 game win streak, ends the season in first place and barres through the playoffs, led by rookie of the year Volpe

  4. Maybe it’s just the photo, but Shelley’s foot is Bozo-sized! He could excise King Kong’s nuts with that hoof

  5. And of course I’d take Duncan over Boone. I’d take J. Fred Muggs over Boone.

    Don’t know why I dredged that analogy up.

  6. He was just supremely happy that he could play baseball.
    He always seemed to just look around and think, "I can't believe that I.
    'm here."
    He never seemed entitled, even through he came form a baseball family.

    We need more of that in baseball in this day and age.

    Give him a couple of years mangling experience and bring him in.

  7. Boone already has all the "mangling experience" we need.

  8. J. Fred Muggs flunked Cashman's baseball knowledge quiz. He thought the team should have a left-handed power hitter in Yankee Stadium.

    Stupid monkey!

  9. Curiosity (and bored dismay at the Giants getting blown out) led me to research Muggs.
    Muggsy is still alive, in his 70’s, retired and living in FL.
    He made a monkey out of all of us

  10. So Shelley really would fight; the other fellow almost switch. I never could stand that fucking Maddon.......


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