Wednesday, February 15, 2023

As long as we're predicting...

Just like El Duque, I've been reading a bunch of "Yankee Top Ten Predictions" sort of stuff.  At first I thought I would make up some wild, absolutely ridiculous ones like, "Josh Donaldson is going to have a bounce back year." or "Aaron Boone admits team played badly in 15-0 loss to KC"  but actually, there are several "real" predictions that no one seems to be talking about.  

Most of these are a result of the rule changes...

1) Gerrit Cole is going to have a series of major meltdowns

The guy who is going to have the worst time with the new pitching rules is absolutely going to Cole. He's high strung and has a proven record of getting rattled after things don't go perfectly.

Plus, he finally developed a method of calming down and taking a breather when he does get rattled... Throwing over to first a couple of times. Can't do that anymore.

I'm not too worried about the pitch clock but just wait until Cole balks a guy in from third after throwing to first. Epic meltdown!

Cole's starts are going to be very interesting and entertaining but not in a good way.

2) Analytics are going to be tossed out the window as we get back to "real" baseball

OK, maybe not tossed, but the current crop of analytical garbage will be no longer as meaningful. For example... 

A) "Stealing A Base Isn't A Good Idea" - Gone!  

The above rules about limiting the number of times a pitcher can throw over to first is going to screw up pitchers free up runners to the point where they are going to run amok. The bigger bases will help but it's the pitching rule that is going to make the biggest differences. 

B) The "Three True Outcomes" - Gone!  

The end of the over shift means a return to contact over launch angle. Players who can  pull the ball for singles and doubles will be rewarded again. They will no longer have hit home runs to be effective. It will be OK to have lower launch angles. We go back to contact. Fewer strike outs. Fewer "true outcomes"  Batting AVG as a meaningful stat is back! 

This means that speed guys, contact guys etc. are going to start to get their due in the minors as well. 

C)  The Importance of Framing - On the way out. 

With the change in the base stealing rules and layout, plus the upcoming change to robo umps for balls and strikes. it's going to be all about who has the best arm. Period. 

4) The Bigger Bases Will Be OK 

I'm good with the bigger bases. JM made a good point about changes in general. Let me add this... When the bases were originally designed the players we pretty much under 6 feet tall. So let's give them a shoe size of, I don't know, 10-12. Now it seems like the only guy under 6 feet is Altuve. Give them the extra room!

If the stolen base records are going to fall it is going to be because  the pitchers can't hold them close anymore.


  1. A very believable set of predictions, Doug. The changes we'll be seeing might be astounding.

    Hey, now that pitchers can't take forever between pitches, isn't there also a new rule about batters stepping out of the box and farting around forever, too? It's ringing a faint bell in my Senior cranium.

    Think of it. Infielders playing in position, as they did for over 100 years. Pitchers not stalling. Base stealing. In other words, fun. Which is one word, but you know what I mean.

  2. Montas to have shoulder surgery, will miss all of the ‘23 season.

    “Shocking!” Said by: no one

  3. My bold predictions are that Montas will have surgery.

    Cashman will keep his job

    and the doctor who gave the ok for the Montas trade after viewing his medicals will be named the Braille Institute Examiner of the Year.

  4. "Right-hander Frankie Montas, acquired at last year’s trade deadline, will undergo shoulder surgery on Feb. 21, manager Aaron Boone said, and could end up missing the entire 2023 season."

    Is there a no backsies rule in baseball? There should be. That's just bullshit!

    Also, as said here hundreds of times... FIRE CASHMAN! Waldichuck is going to be an all star closer one day. JP Sears would have been a perfect number five starter! The man is an idiot!

  5. Is there a no backsies rule in baseball? There should be. That's just bullshit!

    Meant to say there shouldn't be a "no backsies" rule. This seems like fraud or at a minimum taking advantage of the mentally challenged.

  6. Why couldn't they decide this back in October?

  7. Fireable offense for Cashman, but those are so many. Hal's dumb. We're numb.

  8. The Jackass trades three viable pitching prospects for Pedro Feliciano II. Just goes to show that while the rest of the GMs are playing checkers, Ca$hman is playing with himself!


  9. Cashman's 2022 trade deadline moves:

    Benentendi, plays a handful of games, wrist falls off, goes to Chicago
    Efross, arm falls off, out for 2023
    Montas, arm had already fallen off, traded for him anyway, out for 2023
    Beeter, for Gallo, the 2021 disaster deadline trade
    Bader, in a boot, jury out

    8 prospects, a slug, and a pretty good 4th/5th starter for Bader and Beeter.

    “We feel like we’ve added impact and it came at prices, but we were on the clock. We certainly pursued a lot of different avenues, and what we were able to pull down, we feel good about.”

    What he meant by "pull down" was his pants being pulled down, again.

  10. Raquel was hanging on for one more Yankee WS championship, but gave up all hope when Cashman and Boone were retained.


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