Monday, February 6, 2023

Yogi Berra's State of the Union via ChatGPT

This is true. I am not trying to be funny. 

I just read an AP article on an experiment with ChatGPT where they asked the bot to write the State of the Union as a variety of historical figures. Shakespeare, MLK , Elvis, Aristotle... and of course Yogi Berra.

YOGI BERRA, baseball hall of famer

It’s like deja vu all over again, folks! 

We’ve been here before and we’re here again. 

The state of the union, it’s complicated, but we’re makin’ progress. 

We’ve got our ups and our downs, but we gotta keep 

swingin’ at those curveballs life throws our way.

Now, let me tell ya, we’ve been workin’ hard to make this country 

a better place for all of us. 

We’ve got a lot of people doin’ a lot of good things, 

and we gotta keep that up. 

And for those who ain’t doin’ so well, we gotta help ‘em out. 

We’re all in this together, like a big ol’ family.

We’ve got a lot of challenges ahead of us, 

but we’ve also got a lot of opportunities. 

We’ve gotta take ’em both on, head on. 

And we’ve gotta work together,

 ‘cause ain’t nothin’ we can’t do if we work together.

So, let’s keep up the good work, folks. 

Let’s make this country the best it can be. 

It ain’t gonna be easy, but ain’t nothin’ worth doin’ ever is.


If you want to read the others the article is here.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If the bot had put a Ukraine reference in, it would've pretty much covered what the real address will say.

  3. Great post, even the grammar and syntax were spot on.


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