Monday, February 6, 2023

"[I]n the end, we were four games short of a World Series appearance, but it felt like the way our fanbase reacted and the press that we got knocked out in the first round."

Rest assured, people, the Yankee brass has identified its core problem: 

Consider the above Brian Cashman quote, birthed Saturday in a radio interview: It shows our main concerns are not the vacancy in LF, the jabbering clown at 3B or the ongoing calamity of last July's deals...

No, th
e real problem is you, the fans, and your ridiculous expectations.

Why, if the Yankees pulled up stakes and moved to - say - Topeka, I bet the fans there would be overjoyed to win the AL East and come within four games of taking the ALCS. They wouldn't whine about a few losses. They'd say "Thank you, Mr. Steinbrenner!" and congratulate the front office for beating the Guardians in the divisional series! But you...  

You know what you are? Dammit! I'll tell you what you are! You're spoiled! That's what you are! Spoiled rotten. You think nobody should have to show up at the office, that is, if they work at all. You think movies should come from video games, that everybody should get a phone, and that ya-ya music is better than the real rock from Mick and the boys! You don't want to work. You're afraid of breathing asbestos. And you think if the Yankees don't win a world series, those 85 wins were nothing. Well, have you forgotten 2009? Move to Milwaukee, dammit. They'd be happy to have won in 2009! 

Last fall, the Yankees came within FOUR GAMES of the world series, but the way you people carp, you'd think they were swept. 

Mr. Cashman is right. You should be lucky just to have the Yankees. But keep shooting off your fat mouths, and maybe someday you won't. And it would serve you right. 

The Toledo Mud Yankees! Has a ring to it, eh?


  1. "A big strong guy, tough kind of a guy, grabbed me, and he was almost crying, and it happens every time, and many times. And he said: 'Sir, Mr. General Manager, thank you so much for saving our team."

    Happens every time.


  2. @Mildred Lopez:

    That was a beautiful post. A perfect post.

  3. Honestly I'd like to see this shmuck become GM of the Brewers. He'd have to build a team with and a farm system with 85-100m payroll. Then we'll see who is spoiled. What an A-HOLE!!!

  4. What's more important is that Carlos Beltran wont be in the YES booth or studio this year...addition by subtraction...

  5. BTR, love the Lee Dorsey shout-out. "Ya Ya" also on The Beatles with Tony Sheridan LP, not half bad, either.

    Cashman has reached a new low in stupidity. In any major corporation, he'd be fired because of his comments. He obviously is so comfortable in his enshrined position that he feels free to insult us fans for expecting to win--something he and Hal obviously and blatantly make clear whenever they open their mouths.

    In an era when companies are focused on "the customer experience" and better customer service, this is the crap that gets you canned. God, I hate these bastards. If this team ever succeeds again, it will be in spite of these smug losers, not because of them.

    Yeah, I'm pissed off.

  6. Duque:
    That was because it was the same old no hit offense. Watching stiffs like Donaldson strike out numerous amounts of time. The Yankee lineup was once again a joke. And Genius Cashman brought the same lineup back. What you said about being four games away sounds like Yankees propaganda.

  7. Ah, the master of failing upwards. I guess barely squeaking past the Guardians and going 0-4 against the Astros constitutes a success in Cashman's book. He got his 4 year contract extension at over 25M a year, so I guess that's all the success he really needed.

  8. Yeah, this theme NEVER seems to die, either from Cashman with his oodles of wealth for decades of incompetence, or from the local sporting press, settling in for another, all-expenses paid season of traveling around the country and sitting in the press box watching baseball for nothing and their chicks for free.

    Yep, we're supposed to be eternally grateful for having barely nipped the Cleveland Guardians of Traffic, before dropping our 4th playoff in 8 seasons to Yer Cheatin' Heart Astros.


  9. Great post, Duque. Great post, Mildred.

  10. Also, for all the complaints about the fans' reactions, somebody in the Yankees' front office or their pet media should look at that running tally our Peerless Leader keeps in the upper left hand corner on tabloid covers.

    When, under the Mad King, were the Yankees ever shutout this far into the year?

    Never, I'm willing to bet. Quite obviously, for all their complaints, the press isn't into it, either. Once again, you're mailing it in, Office Boy.

  11. I just can't get no satisfaction

  12. Like many in power, Cashan has a disconnect with regular people because he has been so far removed from "commoners" for so many years.
    He is part of the "1%" now.
    They are just incapable of understanding.
    When was the last time he stayed in a regular hotel like a Fairfield for instance?


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