Tuesday, April 18, 2023

And The Drum Keeps Beating...

So Carlos's back continues to Honk.

Said exterior body part will now be examined by a group of surgeons.

Boone says it is "nothing."  It's like he had a sleep on a long bus journey and woke up a bit achy.

His arm, meanwhile, feels butter...I mean better.  He can't throw the nurf ball yet, but all is well.

Can they do back replacement surgery?

I just don't feel 100% confident that Boone's assessment is correct or even truthful.


Maybe we shoud ask Cashman, 


  1. Boone is a habitual, not very polished liar. Yes, it’s getting that miss-the-whole-season vibe.

    Also it sez here Oh-Oh-Oh-Ohtani takes Schmidt deep tonight.

  2. Yes Born to you have predicted correctly. He already took him deep.

    Is there no other pitcher the Yankees can use.

    first three hitters got on.

  3. Another completely wasted, No. 1 pick, Schmidt. A guy who, in the best of all possible worlds, might get back to being the okay middle reliever he was last season. Might.

  4. We got way too much dead weight on this roster

  5. We didn’t get much of John Sterling’s Ohtani is overrated schtick tonight. I mean, John’s right, the idea that Ohtani should have been MVP in 2022 was ridiculous… But the ol’ 92.5% Silver was completely shut up early.

  6. What kind of asinine lineup was that? A manager and GM have one basic responsibility: to put the best team on the field every night. So they start a heavily hyped series with the Angels with Hicks in left and IKF in center? And Cabrera, wno is better than either, on the bench? This isn't about putting the best team on the field--it's about the Boone/Cashman youth-o-phobia. You just COULDN'T have Volpe, Peraza, and Cabrera all in the lineup together on one night--that violates the youth-o-phobe quota. What mediocre, dumbass jerks run this organization. It's about on the level of a bad high-school coaching staff.


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