Monday, May 22, 2023

Current AYG-HABs?

After reading about DJ's woes I just want to take our collective temperature...

For those who don't know, the AYG-HAB stands for "Are You Glad He's At Bat?" It is a 1-10 scale with decimals.  1 = Hicksian. 5 = meh. 10 =  Thank G-d he's up.

So here's mine...

Gleyber  7.5 (Should be higher but he's a bad base runner so just because he gets on base doesn't mean he stays there.)

Judge  9.9

Rizzo  8.7

DJ       8.2

Bader  8.3

Volpe  7.7 (Because walks can become doubles.)

Higgy  3.7

Trevino  4.2

Cabrera  4.6 (Should be lower but he comes through sometimes. Plus, I just like him.)

Benny B.  (TBD)

IKF  4.8

Calhoun  5.3

Allen (TBD)

The best thing is that there is no one I dread. So there's that. 


  1. 5 - 6 for DJ.

    Yeah, I’m a tough grader.

  2. Joe FOB - It's been so long I forgot what an at bat by him is like.

    Besides I'm convinced there are two Giancarlos. The one who keeps his front leg down and kills everything and the one that steps so far in the bucket that he's half way to third base.

    They can't be the same guy.

  3. How much of Baders score was on the same curve you gave to Volpe? Bader seems like he likes to screw around on the bases too.

  4. Which archived game from this season should I put on tonight?

    Has to be one with Sterling.

    The garage is so quiet without him.

  5. Beau - That's a good call. Yes Bader's speed and overall ability on the bases is always worth a bump. Plus he's a gamer. I'm glad when he is up and his score reflects that.

  6. Doug K. -- Considering that Volpe has an dismal .298 OBP (remember this is a different scale from batting average, so .298 OBP is terrible), your hopes for Volpe turning a walk or single into a double are dashed by the venerable baseball saw: "You can't steal first."

  7. Well that settles it. Tonight’s game of the year rerun will be.May19th. A sweep of the A’s and a Volpe grand slam.

  8. And what about Gleyber? He has a .338 OBP compared to Volple's .298 and an OPS+ of 112 (above average) compared to Volpe's 89 (WAY below average). Gleyber tends to be slighted for not living up to expectations, even though he's a pretty decent hitter--fourth among the starting eight in OPS+. Gleyber's sub-par fielding is what is dragging down his overall value now.

  9. ...and his repeated idiocy on the basepaths.

  10. AYG-HABs are emotional. It's about how you feel about a player at the plate. So there is no right or wrong. An AYG-HAB can even change during an at bat.

    Everyone has their own AYG-HAB numbers.

    I like Volpe. I'm glad when he's up. Maybe it's my belief that he will keep improving. Maybe I'm glad he's the SS instead of IKF. Maybe I like that he's just a kid. Whatever. I'm glad (well, a tempered gladness) when he is at bat.

    On the flip side there were Yankees (Gallo, Sanchez, Hicks,) that I was never glad. If they came through, as they occasionally would, it didn't change their low AYG-HABs because the sight of them at the plate bummed me out.

    It's personal.

  11. I mostly agree, Doug. But I gotta say, DJ has to come down, alas. Maybe a 6.

  12. Why are Higgy and No Hit Falafa so high?


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