Monday, May 22, 2023

DJ dismay?

 From Zachary A...

Anyone know what's going on with DJ LeMahieu?

2019 .327 BA
2020 .364 BA
2021 .268 BA
2022 .261 BA
2023 .252 BA

2019 13.7 K%
2020 9.7 K%
2021 13.8 K%
2022 13.1 K%
2023 27.2 K%

I feel like it's very bad when a mid-30s player doubles his strikeout rate in a single season.

LeMahieu is striking out more often than 2021-2022 Aaron Judge.


  1. I've pointed this out before, but LeMahieu's mediocrity with the Yankees is nothing new. In only ONE of his nine seasons with the Rockies did he achieve an OPS+ over 100 (100 being the MLB average). In most of those seasons he was a decent but sort of average hitter without much power, and this in one of the most hitter-friendly ballparks in the majors. He's a steady, versatile infielder but slow afoot--in short, nothing special throughout his MLB career. Whatever possessed Cashman to award this mediocrity with one of his patented forever Fort Knox-clearing contracts at . . . wait for it . . . THE AGE OF THIRTY remains a mystery--unless we pause to consider that Cashman is simply dumb and incompetent.

  2. Yes, Celerino, DJ would've been a GREAT two-year Cashman pick-up.

    2019—33 doubles, 26 homers, 102 RBI, .327, .893 OPS, 136 OPS+, finished 4th in the AL MVP voting.
    2020—led the AL in batting (.364), on-base (.421), OPS (1.011), and OPS+ (178), finished 3rd in the MVP race—albeit in a Covid-truncated season.

    And...then he was going to turn 33 in the 2021 season. This was a widely known fact. And all Cashie had to do was be ready with a replacement. Maybe Thairo, who has been about as good in SF. Maybe that would've been the time to acquire another SS and send The Gleyber back to second.

    But no. Cashie had made no back-up plan whatsoever. So yeah, in view of that, I supported signing DJ. Just as I supported re-signing Judge, though one wonders how long he can keep up this sort of play.

    Cashie sets up traps of his own design, and then presents them to us as choices. They're not choices. "DJ or...crickets? Which do you prefer?" Yeah, I guess I'll take the warm body.


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