Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Yanks-O's game thread


Who are they?


  1. Underwear model and his hair and makeup team?

  2. Wait, what, it’s Justin again???? It’s a home game, what’s wrong with John?

  3. Clearly Cole is also distraught by John’s absence.

  4. cuellar, dobson, palmer and torrez?

  5. Thank yahweh they're beating up the tomato cans.

  6. This is Lawrence. Lawrence, Kansas.

    Meanwhile, the Yankees (well except for Cole) show signs of life.

    And pizza squirrel is in the building.

  7. They are still the Orioles ya know. I wouldn’t have signed off…

  8. My AYG-HAB on DJ is sinking like a stone. He's costing them this game.

  9. Bruh ... who the fuck called for that play

  10. Well it’s walk off or fuck off… who da hero tonight? And does he play for the Yankees?

  11. Cole!
    Er, I mean Judge!

    Seriously, a strong team effort, and yeah, showing some real grit.

    ICYMI: Angujar passed through waivers, Yanks didn’t claim him. He’s back in AAA.

    Blew Jays beat TB 20-1. Say what?

    Florial another HR @ Scranton. Explain to me why he’s there and Willie Calhoun, the DH who can’t hit, is here.

    1. According to friend of the blog EBD, it has to do with the two men's melanin levels.

  12. Just watching the highlights… cuz ya know… radio…

    Again, Rufus…. In the comments you said Pizza Squirrel and I had no idea what you meant but the in the highlight… a squirrel. Your Squirrelology was way off. That was a rally squirrel.

    Anyway, when Little Anthony had his sac walk off…. out running was Big Anthony… the chest bump ended up as a child in arms little league thing… it was cute. They have a photo of Volpes face. The kid still can’t belive this is his life now.

  13. Ahhhh I’m almost done. Meredith TOWERS over Volpe.

  14. Little Tony’s moment was positively Jeterian.

  15. Incredible! And of course I missed it.

    Just to answer the question of the day:

    Palmer, McNally, Cuellar, Pat Dobson. The banes of my childhood existence. All won 20 games or more in 1971—the first time that had been done since the 1920 Chicago White Sox.

    For no dollars in the championship, name those 4 ChiSox.

    Even crazier, McNally had won 20 games or more for 4 straight seasons, Cuellar for 3, Palmer for 2 (en route to 4 straight, then 8 in 9 seasons), and Dobson in 1. But hey, at least those Birds beat the Red Sox, and kept THEM from winning anything.

  16. You guys are funny with your back page Mets "NYC's team" stuff. When 2 teams are in one city and one of those teams has a franchise value of $7.1 billion and the other $2.9 billion (according to Forbes 2023 evaluations), it's not because the the team whose franchise value is 40% of the other's "owns the city." While I know the doom and gloom of "it's a Mets town!" is part of the vibe of IITIIF, I trust you know there's no objective measure by which this is even close to being true. The Yankees own NY.

  17. I’m just catching up a day late because I was completely out of the loop because of family stuff that had to be dealt with.

    Two things:

    1. Looks like I picked a bad game to miss.

    2. There seems to be another “Bern” is in the comments. Just to be clear, that wasn’t me. I’ve got no spaces in the name and Bobby Murcer as my icon. (That said, welcome to the new guy)

  18. The new burn baby burn is an arsonist friend of the blog.

  19. Beau,

    I saw the end of the game -- I just logged off my computer.

    And I think the pizza squirrel may have been delivering a new topping to the pizza vendors at the stadium. You can now upgrade your sprinkles from rat feces to squirrel feces for a mere $10 extra.

  20. That's pretty damned funny, Rufus.

    And when do we get pigeon feces?


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