Saturday, July 8, 2023

Boone cuts loose in furious rage: “We’ve obviously been in and out of some personnel. That’s been an issue. But we’ve also had some guys we lean on that we’ve struggled to get them going. We’ve obviously got to be better.”

In the sixties, before they began growing "the Curse of the Bambino" marketing strategy, the Redsocks were known to be a) a racist organization and b) a "country club" team. 

Basically, they were run by an owner, Tom Yawkey, who was intermittently cheap, who treated employees like lice, and who hated to make hard decisions about his pet players. Year after year, the Redsocks folded in September like a stick of gum. Eventually, to save faith, their new owners birthed a myth about the Babe and based their business plan on hating the Yankees more than anybody else, a move that proved to be incredibly lucrative. 

I'd hate to think the Yankees are racist - (though there was the Jackie Donaldson embarrassment last year; many teams would have ditched him.) But right now, they play with the intensity of Mar a Lago Sunday croquet. They mope to and from the plate as if they've read this blog, and their feelings are hurt. Their body language is from The Walking Dead. 

This week, they had a golden opportunity to simultaneously gain ground on Baltimore and Tampa, and they sank without a bubble. They had the O's on the ropes, and Tampa was being swept by Philly at home. The Yankees might not get a better chance to pressure their rivals. 

The Yankees have now fallen behind Toronto in the AL wild card race, and Boston - winners of three straight - is closing on them. This has been a catastrophic few days - they quit for the all star break four games early - and instead of spewing hot magma, of taking a bat to a water cooler, of screaming to the cosmos - Aaron Boone is hemming and hawing, blathering cud into the Yankee bullshit machine.

I haven't said this all season. But I'll say it now: 

Boone needs to go. 

The Yankees need a firecracker poked up their butts. He will not do it. 

Other thoughts on a miserable morning after.

1. The other night against Baltimore, I turned on the TV to the 7-0 score and mistakenly thought the Yankees were ahead. My next thought: Wow, seven solo HRs!

2. I wonder if Carlos Rodon thought he was going to pitch for a team that can't afford him giving up two runs?

3. Last night, against a righty in Yankee Stadium, we had one legitimate LH batter in the lineup. One. This has been an issue now for two seasons. No lefty sluggers... in Yankee Stadium? For the front office, this is absolute malpractice.  

4. The Yankees have a possible breakout minor league prospect. (No, it's not The Martian, who is still stuck at .200.) It's 22-year-old CF Everson Periera, who was promoted to Scranton this week. Last night he went 4-for-5 with a double, lifting his incredibly small sample BA to .571. (Naturally, he bats RH.) Don't bother to fall in love. His is elevation to Triple A suggests Periera is being shopped for the inevitable July 31 trade for Sidney Ponson.

5. Anthony Volpe is 0 for 8 since being moved into the leadoff spot. His average, which had risen to .225, is now .217. His DP grounder last night quickly killed what appeared to be their best rally chance. The team seems to be determined to bungle this kid's future, and the Yankee Doomsday Clock is hereby moved up a minute. 


  1. This team needs Morris Buttermaker to take over the managerial reigns.

  2. Here's your mind blowing Boone quote of the day,

    "Flo’s done a really nice job down there of putting together a really strong season,” Boone said. “Certainly he keeps pushing himself into the conversation anytime we do have a need. I would say [not being on the 40-man roster] is part of it. Role plays a factor in it, too”

    Role? You mean he's just an outfielder who hits and plays really good defense. We don't need one of those.

    What WE need is an outfielder who hits and plays really good defense.

    It's a totally different need.

  3. Celerino -

    Morris Buttermaker? At this point I'd take Mrs. Butterworth.

  4. There are few things I love more than hot, righteous anger. Thank you duque.

    No worries about Rodon, $162M is pretty fair compensation for having to endure this shit sho2 and sport that Devil’s Island haircut.

    Boone? Never should’ve been hired. He had never previously managed at any level . Part of my job is hiring managers, and I wouldn’t dream of hiring someone with no experience. His father was a manager you say? C’mon now…

    The real problem with the organization is the lack of new blood, of innovative thought. Companies become stodgy over time, clogged with repetitive thinking. They become a sewer pipe, clogged with shit. That’s what we are now, clogged with shit, and going nowhere.

  5. Hey...they built this team around Judge...and this is what happens when he's not in the lineup...this is all on Ca$hman...

  6. Flo did not play last night.
    With our luck he got hurt.

    Simply query.
    I wonder how many more games the Yanks would have won with Flo playing full-time in the OF.
    Flo in LF may have won 3, possibly 4, games which less accomplished fielders allowed to slip away.
    IF he batted .200 with 5 or 6 HR, he could not be worse than what is out there every night now and being LH, he may have won a game on his bat and speed alone.
    But what do I know, I need IT to do analytics.
    He'll probably be in a Cubs or A'S uni in three weeks.

  7. Jonathan Shoop just got released. He’s batting .213. That would put him in the 3 spot. Look for Ca$h to pounce!

  8. Boone needs to go, yesterday, last week, last year and the year before that. No fighting spirit this team. Camaraderie, ok. But how far does that get you. Every once in a while a winning streak ain't enough.

  9. At what point does he resign out of the last fragment of self respect?

  10. It's too late now, but we should have kept our pledge not to give Steinbrenner a dime and met at a bar in NYC instead of patronizing Hal, Inc. at the Stadium, I'm sure many of us had conflicting feelings about attending. If not for the chance to meet with the guys once again, I would have passed. Is anyone competent at making explosives? Ok, I kid, I kid.

  11. Obviously something is wrong in the Yankees Minor Leaguesystem. As usual, few prospects in the system, no matter what you hear. Take a look, The martian lingers at .200 or below. Maybe he will find himself. The Red Sox lurk. Does nyone out there really expect the tandum of Genius and Hal to fix the problems. I do not.

  12. When I tuned out last night, they had only one little old hit. Did they get a second hit in the 9th? Wow, what a shitshow.

    Boone writes up the stupidest lineups. Seems to want to re-invent the wheel every game. So, Volpe finally made some corrections and started hitting for a few weeks. And dumbass Boone sticks Volpe in the leadoff spot, where he's obviously much more exposed. That would have been a move that a good manager might have made in late August or September, if Volpe continued his hot streak. Certainly not now. I can hardly believe that Boone was a major league player himself. Seems like a very distant memory. If you told me that Boone was a horse stable cleaner who struck it rich by somehow getting the Yankee manager job, I'd have believed it.

    For a few games, Boone even had Rizzo leading off. What the hell goes on inside his head?

  13. I think maybe they'll win one out of the two remaining games. Maybe they'll win today. And then lose Sunday going into the All Star Break. It's going to be a sadass All Star Break for Yankee fans. Nothing to look forward to for the remainder of the season.

    This team ain't making the wild card. They SUCK.

    They cannot go wrong exorcising Arch Stanton, Jackie Donaldson, and DJL. They should bring up Peraza, Florial right now and play them. They should keep Randy Vasquez and Johnny Brito up here and pitch them in long relief. They should also bring up either Ben Biceps or Austin Wells. And even the Martian. All of these guys should be developing up here. There is nothing to lose, everything to gain.

  14. either Higgy or Trevino would be a nice piece to add to a trade along with Torres. Either catcher would be an inexpensive addition to a good hitting team which lacks a good backstop which can hit .215 or so.
    We can call up Benny, who seems to have mastered AAA and Peraza to play 2nd. An instantly younger team which is probably better when you add in whatever LF or LH hit er which our guys bring.
    Well is basically treading water in AA right now.

  15. Pretty damned funny, Doug! And you nailed it, Peerless Leader.

    I remember that it was Dick Williams who—temporarily—pried the Red Sox out of their 1960s funk and made them a contender. I don't know if anyone can be a Dick Williams, Billy Martin-type manager in today's pro sports. But if not, you need to find some other way to motivate players, day-in and day-out.

    Ma Boone, nice a guy as he is, is obviously unable to do that. He adds nothing to this team. But as many of you have noted, he's not the main problem.

  16. Time to update the boom Boone avatar.

    Hmmmmmm. Decisions decisions decisions

  17. All Star break would indeed be the likely time to break ties with many….

    They will either do it or not do it for all the reasons we’ve already covered here.

    It’s challenging to predict where The Year of the Toe is gunna go ….

  18. Thank you Brian for a roster of aging (old, injury-prone) veterans that can’t generate any offense without Aaron Judge.
    Thank you Aaron for making up lineups every day that make the player's head spin, oh and never holding anyone accountable.
    Thank you Hal for the Yankees not advancing to the World Series since 2009.

    Thank you all (a genuine THANKS!) to all the folks here at IIHIIFIIC for making this sad slog in Yankee history so enjoyable.

  19. True Hoss, boone is more a symptom of the organizational malaise. He should still be canned, but I believe we’d simply get another unctuous apparatchik who could even be worse than he.

    And it is time to bring Rortvedt up. Flip a coin and be rid of either Trevino or Higashioka. Promote Wells from AA to AAA.

    Odd that Flo was not in the SWB lineup last night. Perhaps the organization didn’t want to be embarrassed by him hitting another HR after they elevated Corduroy instead. Yes, I know last night Cordy let drive a single, to the wonderment of all.


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