Friday, July 7, 2023

Yank offense erupts for two hits in big night



  1. VERY big night indeed...impressive

  2. As the bard once crooned, "Everything went from bad to worse. Money never changed a thing."

  3. Every Yankees reject pitcher must humiliate us no matter how much they may ordinarily suck.

  4. Publius,

    My preferred phrase is:

    "They took a turn for the worst".

    And they have.

    And Pocono Steve is quite correct. Sadly. Nothing against Pocono Steve, but sad that his wisdom is true.

    PS fuck HAL
    Fuck Ca$hole
    Fuck Trost
    Who cares about Bonehead, he's a fucking moron toady.

  5. No jokes, this was fuckin’ pathetic.
    No accountability, no responsibility in Boone’s recap
    The at bats were awful, that’s not just on the players but on boone and his worthless coaches as well.
    Just no accountability. none.
    Boone : “we’ve got to do better”. A rallying cry for the ages.

  6. And Nasty moved to 60 day DL?

    A great day to be alive. I know the sun's still shining
    When I close my eyes... well, not normally, but the yank-me's are horrid.

  7. There is obviously something wrong with the organization's approach to hitting. Their player selection process, their AB approach theory, their training methods, something's wrong. It's been years and years now. They're a lineup full of easy outs and have been for half a decade at least. They hit...used to hit...their share of mistakes. They used to beat up on lousy starters and bad bullpens. But no more. Now they get shut down, night after night. There is obviously a book on the Yankees. The league knows how to pitch to them. Brian Cashman and his merry band of midwits simply aren't up to the task of recognizing what needs to be done to improve the offense. They are, in a word, incompetent.

  8. Why do people attend these there some brainwashing going on? Stop supporting crap or crap will continue to be displayed without remorse. This roster is so washed up, the only "upside" player is a rookie SS who has speed but stopped stealing bases and can't even beat out a double play. There is literally zero players on offense even coming close to having a good year. If EVERYONE sucks, I guess you just keep running it out and burn it to the ground, no?

  9. Here's a suggestion. Perhaps it might be time to fire Aaron Boone.

  10. @ Doug...Boone should be fired as he's an atrocious manager. But he isn't at fault for this putrid roster. It doesn't matter who he plays or where they bat in the order. It's like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. It makes no difference. Who should be fired, obviously, is Cashman. And like Mussolini's corpse, every Yankees fan should be able to take one whack at him with a baseball bat as he departs.

  11. I am reminded of a scene from DePalma’s The Fury. But I’ll spare you because I think that Kevin might be the only one to get the reference.

    That typed, “The Stankees” might need to crash and burn for there to be a change of any substantial note and even then it would initially only be the manager and their coaching staff.

    Hal’s silver spoon would have to be surgically removed at this point because of its cork screw threaded design (not to mention Cashman’s weekly “clockwork turning” of said silver spoon deeper into Hal’s, uh - NEVERMIND - it just way too disturbing to think about).

    I’ll just go see Mission Impossible 57 and Oppenheimer and Barbie to seek out some distracting entertainment.

  12. Everyone must be sleeping - free of the evil that controls us.

  13. Do you mean the exploding heads, AA?

    Anyway...incredible. So, Cortes won't be back until August. At least. And the rest...

    Ah, hell what's the point of even discussing it?

    These guys can't hit the worst pitchers in the major leagues. There is no point in caring anymore,

  14. There's a book on the Yankees? Here's the book on the Yankees: Cashman is a moron who has constructed a roster of over-the-hill overpaid stiffs, recycled failures, and an overhyped, underperforming prospect who should still be in AA ball. Oh sorry--that's not a book: it's a sentence. But that's all you need to know.

    1. No argument. But at the tactical level, AB to AB, the league knows how to attack them, and executes at what seems like an abnormally high rate of success.

  15. AA, believe it or not I never saw it. Is it worth buying? That's become my criteria for watching a movie. Is it worth buying the Blu Ray?

    I seem to remember that more than a few movies featuring people with paranormal abilities hitting the screens in the mid-late seventies. I hadn't yet developed the stomach for DePalma films. Now I eat loaded pizzas when watching "Reanimater" . Scary...😈

  16. And don't forget, the MILB prospects are middle of the pack so any trades will decimate what's left.
    To think that we hugged the wrong prospects and let Estrada and Duran go, to say nothing of Josh Smith.[ I'm sure that there are more examples as well.]
    The return has been rather underwhelming.

    Why can't people see what we see and get rid of Cashman and Boone.
    Please Hal sell the team and invest the billions in something that you care about.

    The booing will only get worse because people are spending literally hundreds of dollars to go to games and basically get nothing in return.


  17. I used to work for a living. There can be a reflex in Management to create problems, and then blame THOSE problems for the existence of other problems. Accompanying this is the temptation for Management to throw up its hands in the face of a challenge (or even an opportunity) that would be difficult to take on, or might have a negative resuilt.

    Better to walk away, the Managers say to themselves (sometimes out loud in meetings). I have actually been in a few of these meetings, and have listened closely when the results of these meetings were explained to me.

    I can imagine this is what the NYYs braintrust is telling itself about bring up Florial.


    Consider Yankee Management Strategies. They bring in old players. They trade for guys who get injured a lot. In the case of Judge, proven to be fragile, they sign him to a huge contract with the sure knowledge that Something (a toe that won't heal) will, sooner or later, happen. And probably other stuff, as he ages.

    AND: They hamstring themselves by having very expensive players. Cole will be paid $36M each year thru 2028. Stanton will be paid $128M total thru 2028 (assuming they exercise the $10M buyout in the final year). And Aaron Judge will be paid $40M/year through 2031.

    If you add that up, in 2024 these 3 fellows will be paid $108M combined. So Management can say: Well, we brought in (and kept) great players, so we can't go out and get anyone else who can play this game.

    AND: We can't trade Stanton, because we'll get little or nothing. Ditto Donaldson.

    Thus Management has a convenient excuse for not succeeding, for stupid trades, for looking like a bunch of idiots. The excuse is: Our guys are trying, but they are, after all (inured)(old)(in a slump because they are trying too hard)....fill in the blanks.

    They can tell themselves stories about how this all was unavoidable, and there is little or nothing they can do to fix it.


    I didn't enjoy working at such places. There was a period in my early work life when I left jobs every single year. Job-hopping. My resume looked like a geo-tracking of a kangeroo.

    My friends kept telling me I couldn't keep doing that, but I did it. I don't credit myself for being savvy, just a pain-in-the-ass who didn't want to explode at the people who were responsible for running the organization for which I worked. I have a temper. Better to NOT lose it, and find another place to work.

    I ended up succeeding years later, when I became a freelance writer/editor. I was able to work hard for people who wanted just a piece of my time. I was also very able to walk away from employers who were abusive. That part was relatively easy, as long as I was willing to deal with a decline in compensation.


    If this was boring, I'm sorry. But the point I want to make is: The NYYs have, for a long time, engendered in me the same damn feelings. I just acknowledge this to myself today, while reading the comments above.

    You know: It's getting to where it feels like abuse.

  18. Cheap and arrogant. Cheapskate Hal and Genius Cashman!


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