Tuesday, July 11, 2023

So fix it!


OK, we all know just how bad this team is. Most of us know the farm system, the 40 man, and who truly sucks and who merely sucks. 

So... fix the team. You are the GM.  Make any reasonable trades you want. Want to bring up Peraza? Go ahead. 

And YES, we ALL fire Boone and release Donaldson. Those are givens. Say it anyway. It will feel good. 

Hal is still cheap so try to work with that. 

Good luck. 


  1. Nelson Cruz will be signed any day now

  2. I'm Dickens. He's Fenster.

    But nobody will fix this team. If Cashman knew how, he wouldn't have created it in the first place.

  3. What is there to fix? Yanks making a profit this year, just like last year...just like the year before that...

  4. BTW in addition to being an actor he was a composer as well.

    "His best known works were his Oscar nominated scores for "Pillow Talk" (1959), "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte" (1964), "Cat Ballou" (1965), "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" (1967). He also wrote the themes for the classic television shows "My Three Sons" and "The Brady Bunch."

    Pretty damn cool.

  5. This year is shot to hell. No fixing this year. Yanks will not make the playoffs.

    Before the trade deadline: release Donaldson; trade Torres; trade Severino; trade Jose Trevino. And bring up Peraza to play 3B; Ben Rortveldt; Florial for CF/LF; and pitchers Brito and Randy Vasquez. Oswaldo Cabrera should share time at 2B with DJL. They should stop it with the musical outfielders and musical infielders. Everyone mainly plays only one position, plus one alternate position if he can.

    After the trade deadline: bring up Austin Wells and Jasson Dominguez.

    Over the winter: release Arch Stanton; trade or release DJL; trade Domingo German; sign a couple of lefty hitters; sign a closer.

  6. Hammer - That's good stuff.

    Any idea what the return on the trades would be? Gleyber, Severino, and Trevino should bring back something. Did you have anyone in mind?

    Also maybe a little too soon to bring up the Martian. But if we did what you suggest the team would be a lot more watchable.

  7. If we’re playing fantasy gm I’ll convince Stanton to waive his no trade and send him and Peraza to the Mets for Lindor and play him at 3rd, or move Volpe to second and trade Torres for whatever you can get. Try to rent Bellinger from the Cubs or O’Neill from the Cards. Or both and Judge dh’s on his bad toe. Bring up Chapparo as a dh.

  8. I was thinking of getting back prospects. We need more pitching prospects. I'm sure we can get one high level and two low levels for Torres.

    We can ask for three or four really good pitching prospects for Sevvy. He will probably pitch great for another team, probably would be a great addition to a team that knows what it's doing. Might even contribute to a championship over there.

    Trevino should bring back a low level pitching prospect and maybe a bullpen lug nut.

    We can also throw in some of these bullpen lug nuts we have, like Albert Abreu, who is basically a waste of a roster spot. Go with more long relievers and have them pitch multiple innings. Enough with the one inning per appearance bull.

  9. Interesting. Sevi's in his walk year though. So his value isn't as high as we'd like. They should have traded him last winter. Can definitely include Abreu as fodder.

    Gleyber has value (he shouldn't because he is not as good as people think and is rapidly becoming my least favorite non Jackie Yankee.)

  10. @ Jaraxle, Oh I don't think you'll have to do much convincing to get Stanton to waive his no trade clause. He doesn't look very happy. A change of scenery would probably do him good. The problem is that I don't know that any GM out there would want him, even if the Yanks paid almost all of his salary.

    Stanton and Peraza to the Metsies for Lindor? Where do I sign up for that? But why would the Mets want to trade Lindor? He's not having a good year, but he's a much more valuable player than Stanton. I don't think the Mets would do that, even if we paid 90% of Stanton's salary.

  11. Jaraxle -

    "Stanton to waive his no trade and send him and Peraza to the Mets for Lindor and play him at 3rd, or move Volpe to second and trade Torres."

    I'd trade Stanton and Gleyber for Lindor. Keep Perza at short (his best position and play Volpe at Second. We'd have to sweeten it a bit because even though it gets the Mets out from under Lindor and his EIGHT remaining years at 34M per. Stanton is worthless I fear and still owed a ton.

    It's an interesting trade though. I'll bet Buck kicks Gleyber's ass if he has brain farts.

  12. @ Doug K. They couldn't have traded Sevvy over the winter. Wasn't he hurt? He just got back. No one (except Cashman) trades for injured players. Even though he is a "rental", I still think he would have high trade value. A starter who might put a team over the top? Yeah, he should draw big interest. I think we'd get at least two good prospects, plus a lower level prospect. This would be a trade that might pay dividends two or three years down the road. But I would do it. Because the Yankees are not going even making the playoffs this year. And they'll lose him to free agency anyway. Might as well get something for him. They should NOT resign Severino.

  13. Hammer - right now I'd take a bag of balls for Sevi so I'm totally good with the return you're suggesting.

  14. @Hammer,
    That was a general framework for a deal under the premise that the Mets might want to get out of that contract. Cohen talking about changes if they fell out gave me the idea. The Mets would be on the hook for a much shorter contract in Stanton who may be happier playing the outfield in the Nl east. There would have to be more piece to even entertain it but it kinda makes sense

  15. The best we can hope for with Sevi is to put him in the bullpen...he probably would do better as a reliever...

  16. The only other team Stanton would play for is the Dodgers. They only have $84M committed in salary for next year, but this is still a very faint possibility. They are looking at 50M per year for Ohtani, who would also have to DH. What to do then with Stanton? If it were to happen I would take anything in return as the idea is to get Stanton off the team. If the Giants sign Ohtani this could become more realistic.

    You would get very little for Severino at this point, but he will walk anyway after the season, unless Cashman is dumb enough to resign him. That could happen! Torres, with a year of team control after this season, remains the best trade chip and could be packaged with a prospect and one of the catchers for an acceptable return

    There’s no fixing this year. The watered down playoffs mean almost every team’s in contention. So who’s left. OAK? Kc? Who exactly do you want from those teams?

    So - More buyers, less sellers. Supply and demand will mean we would havre to pay more for less.

    Sorry to be the voice of gloom and doom, but right now gloom and doom is the new reality.
    In the meantime, certainly make out your wish list and dream on.


  17. Drop bombs on Tampa Bay when their playing at home.

    Ditto Baltimore.

    And for full measure, the other 27 cities as well.

    This will work. Anything else will not.


  18. That should have been "they're playing at home." Sorry.

  19. Here's a real one.

    Moncada (the original sin for this org.) is not having a good year. He's batting .232 and his power has dropped off. He's also on the 10 day IL.

    So that will excite Cashman.

    Sevi for Moncada. Straight up. Release Donaldson. Moncada is batting 100 points higher. That said, this move is basically a karma cleaner for the Yankees. He can be cut next year. Plus no Sevi no Jackie. Addition by subtraction.

    I'm serious.

  20. Doug, don't forget Frank as Happy Kyne, leader of the Mirth Makers.

  21. Hey, Hal!!! You know those stars New Yorkers want to see? They're in the All Star game tonight, and only one plays on your team. How's that work?

  22. JM - YES!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't remember why I always pictured him as a band leader. Happy Kyne!! Great great show.

  23. Loved the accordion in that band, Doug.

  24. The first thing I would do is fire The Intern. That MF has got to go.

  25. Oh. Wait. I'm already the GM.

    So I fire Steinbrenner first.

    Can I do that?

  26. Cole getting whacked by the first two batters. Saved by great catches up against the wall.


  27. But Sevvy sucks. For somebody to take him, they'd have to already see what's wrong with him or be willing to roll the dice. Either way, they could lowball in a trade.

  28. Trade Trevino and Abreu for a LH F who will bat .240 -.260 and can field. Only gap power needed. Bring up Benny Biceps, cut one of the unneeded OF.

    Trade Torres for a No. 4 starter who's controllable through next year.
    Bring up Peraza to play infield.

    Tell Donaldson that he will be benched and offer him a contract buyout. If he wants it, he can take himself somewhere else.
    Peraza or IKF or DJL at 3rd or some combination thereof.

    Put Sevy in the bullpen for a couple weeks and if he does well, trade him to a contender for a couple of LH minor league P.
    See if there is any market for Hamilton, Kahnle and/or Loisiga and see if the return is worth it.
    Give Florial a chance for 40 games and see what you have got.

  29. Shit, at this point, give Florial the rest of the year to sink or swim.

  30. I never watch the All Star game, but I'm kinda watching this year. It's fun to see guys who can play well. We're so far from this level. Sad.

  31. All great ideas, guys.

    Trouble is, even in a fantasy world, no one is taking up Stanton. Not even the Mets to get rid of Lindor. So...play Stanton until he breaks. Play him every day, in the OF. He will break, and they will get the insurance money.

    Trade Gleyber? Yes. Only trade bait we have.

    Release Donaldson? Yes. Awful.

    Bring up Peraza? Yes. Put him at third, which will be a little bit unfair to him because he'll be out of position, but that's all right.

    Bring up Florial for the rest of the year? Yes. They owe him.

    Put DJ and Cabrera at second? Yes. See if they have anything left.

    Trade Sevvy? Yes. For whatever you can get.

    Another idea? Trade Rizzo. Hey, I like the guy a lot and he's a needed lefty. But he's 33 and plays like he's 43. He gets hurt every year, for long stretches of time, and right now he seems to be seriously injured. Enough. Put anybody else on first.

    Clean house, in other words. But it won't happen.

  32. The All-Star Game, as expected a pathetic imitation of what it used to be.

    Vladdy, Jr., outdoing himself in being a buffoon. A stupid throwing error, an inability to field a throw that should have been an error, a strikeout at the plate...and wild exultation when he thought a National Leaguer had hit a home run. What a jerk...

  33. ...Meanwhile, at maybe the crucial moment in the game, Dusty Baker has just brought in a Tigers pitcher with a 4.03 ERA. I understand you're not going to have Pete Rose permanently hurting someone anymore, but shouldn't there at least be a good faith effort to win?...

  34. ...But never mind! They sent up Pete Alonso to hit. Whew.

  35. Yeah, it did deteriorate from the early inning or two.

    And Papi is unbearable. Jeter retains his dignity, as usual, A-Rod not as much, but Ortiz is just horrible. What a jerk.

  36. Worst of all is the whole presentation of the thing. I used to love to see all the players in their home uniforms. Now, they wear one uniform for each league. The AL seems to be wearing some kind of aqua thing.

    As usual, it's all about the money. The hope is that it will be more gear to sell to fans. That's all...

  37. Far and away the worst of the worst, though, are the announcers. Incessant interviews with the players—including, this year, a pitcher.

    Note to MLB: You want to convince people that baseball is fast and exciting, don't interview guys while the game is going on.

    A new low was reached when they brought the official, Fox Three Stooges—A-Rod, Papi, and Jeter—down to the front row to amuse us with their comic stylings.

    A-Rod put on cool shades. Ortiz pretended to be eating everything, and clutching his popcorn. Derek Jeter looks slightly ill throughout, no doubt wondering, 'Is this my fate, as one of the greatest players in the game, to be tied at the hip forever to these juicing cheaters?'...

  38. Sorry, JM, didn't see your post.

    But yeah, maybe the name of the act should be, "Jeter and the Cheaters."

    I'm even sick to death of all the maudlin trappings. Another seriously ill kid, trotted out to make us all weep. Everyone encouraged to share their deepest, private grief with those "I Stand Up For..." signs. It's truly exploitive and inappropriate...

  39. ...And of course, it wouldn't be an official MLB game if everyone didn't kvell over Ohtani, the New God of Baseball. Who, today, struck out and walked. WOW!

    Worst of all was Smoltz, who I deeply respected as a pitcher and have lately come to loath as an announcer. He kept going on and on about, "How does Ohtani possibly do it??? Pitch and hit???? How can he possibly train for both???? How can he absorb all that information?????????"


    Shohei Ohtani, terrific as he is, is a DH who pitches maybe once a week. That's it.

    That's highly rare these days. But it's not unprecedented. Besides Babe Ruth—a much better hitter and pitcher who also played the outfield very well—there are a good many other examples of other pitcher/position players. They abounded back in the 19th century—and especially in the old Negro Leagues, where there were guys like Martin Dihigo who could not only pitch but play almost any position on the field.

    There were guys like Willie Mays, who was an outstanding pitcher in high school and the Negro Leagues, until his father told him to stop. Lou Gehrig set a strikeout record for Columbia as a pitcher. No one thought about asking him to pitch in the pros. Think that might have changed with a DH?

    Christy Mathewson, Lefty O'Doul, Red Ruffing, Don Newcombe—the list goes on and on of guys who sometimes played other positions or sometimes pitched. Usually, they did at least one thing better than Ohtani.

    He's not the best player who ever played the game just because your marketing dept. wants it to be so.

  40. No apologies needed, Hoss. This is awful crap. And it's FOX Sports, a generally terrible organization especially when it comes to baseball.

    So Bautista, of the two strikeouts per inning and the 1.07 ERA, looks like shit. Where did he run up his stats, against Oakland and the AL Central? What a galoot.

  41. I'm sick of the Ohtani Hype Machine. It's so distorting, I can't even figure out how good he really is.

  42. That was a great play. Wow. Nice DP.

  43. Data analysts and baseball scholars are investigating a rare - perhaps unprecedented - occurrence: yesterday, Gleyber Torres did not make a boneheaded base running blunder or suffer a brain cramp while in the field; Aaron Boone did not remove a pitcher at precisely the wrong moment; and Giancarlo Stanton did not get injured. Even more surprising: the NY Yankees did not lose a winnable baseball game. “We’re puzzled. We THINK the fact that the Yankees didn’t play yesterday may be determinative, but frankly, we’re not sure. We hope to have an answer before the end of the week,” said lead investigator Tucker Carlson.

    In other news, Yankee General Manager Brian Cashman is rumored to be courting 42-year-old ex-slugger and recently-DFA’d San Diego Padre Nelson Cruz to the Bronx, where his 30% strikeout rate, .245 batting average, and .283 on-base percentage would be an obvious and potent upgrade to the Yankee lineup. Cruz, like most Yankee regulars, used to be good, and “bats” right-handed. He’s also a poor defender, meaning Yankee “Manager” Aaron Boone could comfortably position him anywhere in the outfield, or first base; alternatively, Cruz could become one of NY’s several dozen DHs. Meeting briefly with reporters in Seattle prior to the MLB All Star Game, Cashman would only say that “While we have a championship-caliber club, even if the fans don’t seem to realize it, it can’t hurt to add another scavenger - I mean, savage - in the box to our roster, so I’ll do whatever I can to make Hal’s accountants hap - um, to help the ball club.” Eschewing the elevators to avoid further inquiries, Cashman then rappelled down from an event at the Space Needle and has not been seen since.

  44. And...Vladdy the Clown strikes out again, this time on a pitch in the dirt.

    Boy, has that chump gone to seed.

  45. God, kimbral is irritating.

  46. No, I am the GM and I will tell you what works. I am brilliant, I am the Genius. Swing up and wait for the homer. Does noy matter if my players strike out. My cronies ine th analytics department set me striaght. Genius Cashman

  47. OK, enough with this ridiculous animus toward Ohtani, HC66. Name one other MLB player who has SIMULTANEOUSLY pitched and hit at All-Star levels in BOTH endeavors for anything close to as long as Ohtani has. What he is doing now has no precedent and likely no sequel in the annals of baseball, as you well know but are loath to admit. And Lou Gehrig pitching in college and Willie Mays pitching before he turned pro don't count as valid analogies to what Ohtani is doing anywhere but in Bizarro World.


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