Sunday, October 1, 2023

Catsup Curt Strikes Again

Today brought the sad news that Tim Wakefield, a pretty good knuckleballer and all around nice guy passed away at age 57.

There's nothing to like about the Red Sox but knowledgeable Yankee fans can and should recognize the good ones.  Wakefield was a good one.

Let's focus for a moment, however, on one of the bad ones.  Catsup Curt Schilling is a notorious blowhard whose sour disposition and big fat mouth have combined to throw a no-hitter vis-à-vis his chances of entering Cooperstown.  

He's managed to put his foot in it again.  Apparently, almost no one was aware that Wakefield was seriously ill.  That was until a few days ago when Schilling made the announcement -- without the family's permission -- on his podcast.  Below is just one of many similar reactions:

Please bring this up next time some horse's ass of a Blosox fan tries to make the case that Catsup Curt should be in the Hall.

Rest in Peace, Tim Wakefield.  You were good against us.


  1. Always was a gold-plated scumbag…

  2. Sorry to see that about Wakefield.

    As for Schilling, well, he should be told his election to the Hall will be considered once he returns all the money he ripped off from the state of Rhode Island.

  3. Batting against Wakefield always seemed to screw the Yankee hitters up for days.


  4. Fuck Schilling.

    It is over.

    And, as always, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Hal!

  5. He handled 2003 with a ton of class, & if there is anything positive to say about 2004, it’s that Wakefield got a ring.

    As for Schilling, I know this site is absolutely NOT a home for calumny or vitriol or personal attacks or NSFW language, but he’s a flaming fucking douchebag.

  6. Wakefield and Catsup-man.

    Opposite ends of the good/bad person spectrum.

  7. R.I.P. There weren't too many Redsocks I liked but I really did enjoy watching this guy.

  8. One tends to wonder why some are taken why OTHERS! are not

  9. LBJ,

    I need a clarification on "Please bring this up next time some horse's ass of a Blosox fan...":

    Why the redundancy in the redundant request? I would ask that we ask why this is the same, but different?

  10. AA,

    As Billy Joel said, only the good die young.

  11. Rufus - didn’t he sing that?

    So why didn’t he also croon - Only the bad live long?

  12. I will live a long and happy life if that is true.

  13. Well, ol' Curt came by his surname honestly. And sadly, Mr. Wakefield leaves behind two small kids and a wife with pancreatic cancer. God bless them all.

  14. What awful news 57 is no age at all

    Life is often terribly cruel and unfair at times

    RIP Tim

  15. Pancreatic cancer is not a question of if, but when. And it is not an extremely long when.

  16. That's really sad. The poor kids.

  17. Don't forget, LBJ, he scammed your state out of $ 56.5 million (the original 75 million his game company received minus the 16 million RI's financial advisor paid and the 2.5 million Scumbag Shilling was forced to pay). Too bad Raimondo never followed through with her intent to file criminal charges against him.


  18. Carl J. Weitz, my fingers hovered over the keyboard wanting like hell to unleash a screed on exactly that topic but.....

    ....I was afraid I'd never stop typing. I ended up deciding not to detract from the latest steaming pile of douchebaggery from this Scumbag.



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