Friday, November 24, 2023

It's Black Friday, which means one thing: John Sterling and Bruce Springsteen are welcoming a certain free agent to town

Mr. Yamamoto, with fans like these, why would you wanna go anywhere else?



  1. If Yamamoto is coming to town, it will not be in the Bronx.

  2. You're right, Carl Weitz. And think of what that will mean.

    Not long ago, the Yanks were dominating the Japanese market—at least locally—with Matsui and Tanaka, and even thought Bright Boy managed to botch the Dice-K bidding.

    Now, the Mets already have Senga. They add on the Admiral, and they could very possibly have a team that wings its way to the World Series on the strength of two Japanese, well, wings.

    There goes a huge chunk of foreign viewership, souvenir sales, etc. But all the Yankees' "braintrust" is thinking, is "Giancarlo and Rodon are signed for a long time to come. We just can't afford anything more. Has Kevin Kiermaier got back to us yet?"

  3. It’s hard to see the team successfully landing Yama amidst all the competition. It’s not just a snarky concept, but an unshakable fact: our team’s ownership, management, and front office is truly third rate, except when it comes to that from which all things flow: πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅

  4. With all due respect, Hoss - you may have forgotten something in all your Tryptophanian haze…..

    The New York Yankees already have a great Japanese-American ball player on our club.

    Kyle Higashioka!

    Projected to be the Admiral’s personal catcher, Higashioka could be our number one advantage in signing Yamamoto.

    And our own Gigantor, Aaron Judge absolutely loves eating sushi, so that’s gotta be something too, right?

    Don’t give up the Dream!


  5. Do not hold your breath. The Genius is getting his "well, we tried speech" ready.

  6. BTR,

    Those who arrive late for dinner get *no* fruit cup!

  7. Wow, Roofus - one could say that you’re a bit of a Groucho

  8. Not my rules AA,

    I loved her in the sequel: Hot Nurses in Heat.

  9. You're right, AA! How could I be so foolish???

  10. 999—no doubt. Another reclamation project.

    And...don't forget the big Double-K! Even as we speak, The Brain is probably in a fervent negotiation with Kevin Kiermaier's agent!

  11. HC66 - too much turkey does that to u.

    You’ll be fine by in a week or so.

  12. I still think Yamamoto is the one deal that makes perfect sense for the Yankees. Whatever it takes, get him. Strengthen the pitching rotation. I did see a Post article some time ago that said Yamamoto wants to be a Yankee. So they got that going for them at least. Now watch Cashman fuck it up.

    Kiermeyer - don't want him. Too old, big injury risk.

    Bellinger - don't want him. Big, big signing risk. Could turn into Joey Gallo to the tenth power.

    If they sign Yamamoto first, and then add Bellinger, then I wouldn't mind getting Bellinger. But who are we kidding? It would take a damn miracle just to get Yamamoto.

  13. When Black Friday comes, l I’m going to dig myself a hole, gonna lay down it it, till I satisfy my soul


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