Tuesday, November 28, 2023

They claim the Yankees might sign Frankie Montas to a one-year deal. If so, why not Sevy?

According to the Internet, the Yankees might soon sign RH starter Frankie Montas to a one-year, "show-me-the-money" deal, as Brian Cashman seeks to salvage something from his epic 2022 trade disaster.

And don't gemme wrong: Maybe it's a good idea. Frankie the Yankee will be 31, coming off arm surgery, with a lifetime ERA of 3.90. He returned late last year and threw 1.1 innings - scoreless, FWIW. Why not a one-year rental? What could go wrong? 

But but BUT... one year of Montas looks suspiciously like a deal the Yankees seem determined to jettison. I'm talking about Luis Severino -Montas' statistical astral twin - who might leave for an angry place, such as Toronto or Boston. Last year, Sevy threw 89 generally awful innings, an ERA of 6.65. The Yankiverse cried UNCLE, ending the Sevy rom-com that began as a prospect in 2012. 

Basically, we should expect Sevy to be replaced by Montas: 

As Pete Townsend might say, Meet the new loss, same as the old loss. 

Why sign Montas instead of Sevy? Some observations...

1. Sevy, at 30, is a year younger.

2. Part of Sevy's problem last year was an attempt to come back too soon from injury; he got rocked.

3. The Yankee way seems to be: Target the player, blame the player, jettison the player, and watch him thrive elsewhere. 

Wouldn't it be nice to break that mold?

I realize that keeping Sevy is not a popular argument. Last month, I made the case and nearly lost a few fingers. (Note: The death threats were turned over to the FBI, and arrests are expected.) I don't oppose signing Montas. I just wonder about letting Sevy go. The devil you know... ya know? 

Frankly, we've seen this movie before: We'll sign Montas, and he'll suck. Then we'll face Sevy at Fenway, or Houston, and scream WTF as he shuts us down.

I say, don't let him get away so easily. For the rest of his life, Sevy should lashed to Cashman's whale. If he's going to sign a short-term deal, it should be with the hell-bound Yankees. The Starr Insurance Death Barge must send a message to all the Hickses and Gallos, to the Baders and Sonny Grays, to everybody who skips merrily into the Yankee inferno: 

Nobody gets out alive. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I’d be OK with Montas on a cheap one year deal, provided we are ready to jettison him if he doesn’t perform. I’m a fan of one year contracts, believing as I do that he extended multi-year contracts are the ruination of the franchise. Hell, I’d even take Severino too under the same arrangement, again though he should be dumped or dealt at the first sign of trouble.

  3. We'll never get Monty back, will we? We're doomed to the Montases, the Rodons, and whoever else is looking to bank millions while they laugh their asses off at Cashman.

    Yamamoto? Yeah, sure. Fat chance.

  4. Accidents happen, JM.

    Old Pete:

    We've got to judge the judge
    We got to find the finds
    We've got to scheme the schemes
    We got to line the lines
    We got to fight the fight
    We got to fall the falls
    We got to light the light
    We got to call the calls
    Try to place the place
    Where we can face the face.
    We got to face the face...
    Try to place the place
    Where we can face the face.
    Try to place the place
    Where we can face the face.
    Keep looking, keep looking
    We must race the race
    So we can face the face.
    We got to race the race
    We must race the race.
    So we can face the face
    We got to face the face
    We got to race the race

  5. The only reason Montas is signed is so Ca$hman might save face if he actually pitches well.

  6. I would comment today, guys, but I’m too busy reading my latest western cowboy romance, “the return of food stamps Haland his trusty horse, Brian.“

  7. FaiKu Duesday:

    Auto Correct Tox
    Gal and Gash Writhe With Spankees
    Paunch Angle Pee Yah!

  8. Fee, fie, fo, fum!

    Good point, Duque! And yes, if Cashie is just going to do more dumpster diving, why not dive at home? I'd give BOTH Sevvy and Frankie one-year deals, which these days in baseball is practically like giving them car fare.

    I noticed that Sonny Gray signed a big deal with St. Loo yesterday. Again, I don't blame Cashman for trading him—Gray plainly could not pitch in New York—but to get NOTHING for him? He should've been fired for that alone.

    And Yamamoto? Yeah, the Mets are going to have that "competition" all to themselves.

  9. Montas: No way.

    Severino: 1 yr deal? Okay, but the pitching coach has got to go. BTW, I've heard absolutely nothing about Matt Blake going anywhere. So if Blake stays, Sevvy has to go.

    And also, any bets on bad how Rodon will be in 2024 with Blake staying on? Like 1-18 with a 12.50 ERA? They end up trading Rodon somewhere and he gets the Cy Young the year after. We've seen this movie before.

  10. Yanks better get Yamamoto. If they want to sign all these other bums for "just in case" scenarios, that's fine. Just in case they lose the Yamamoto auction. Just in case Yamamoto sucks. Just in case everybody sucks next year. But they better get Yamamoto, or else this winter will have been another 100 PERCENT SNAFU.

  11. Five to one
    One in Five
    No one here
    Gets out alive...

    Got to get together
    One more time

  12. If the audit team concludes that Ca$hman shouldn't pick pitchers, they need to share that right about now...

  13. Probably because Mike "Doofus" Fishman proclaimed it the thing to do. The Yankees are a Clown show.

  14. Once upon a time the Yankees operated a tight ship. Made all the right moves. Dominated by being smart baseball men.

    Now what we have is "The Intern's Way," as our bumbling general manager tries to figure out how Stick and his crew managed to create a winner. Only he has no idea what he's doing, especially considering he's been operating in a vacuum for decades.

    You can be sure, whether it's Yamamoto, Montas or Sevy, or any other arm or leg he brings in, history will repeat itself as our boy wonder tries to convince all of us that he's doing his best to create a winner.

    It should be easy. Right?

  15. NH television (yes there is such a thing) made a huge point last week that Ausmus and Blake both had NH connections.

    I mean, how many NH teams have made the world series? Let alone won it?

    Blakey isn't going anywhere. Life sucks, then you die. And Mickey Mouse is just another fucking rat.

  16. If you want to win the championship, it always starts with having a good manager and good coaches. Lack of experience, lack of know-how, lack of ability on the part of the manager and coaching staff will ruin the best of players.

    I suppose it's possible to win with so-so coaches, if you have great players. But I've never seen any team win with piss poor coaching. Never. Just doesn't happen.

    Even the best of players can get into ruts, bad streaks. Good coaching gets them out of those valleys. Lousy coaching won't know what to do. When things are going great, every coach looks good. You can which coaches are worth their weight in gold when things go bad. Because the good coaches will guide their players out of the bad habits that got them into the bad streaks.

  17. Perhaps it's time Blake met with an.... accident.

  18. One day back in that freezing winter of 1889, late at night while the snow was swirling in little dust devils and not a soul was out, a dim shadow appeared coming in from the north. It was Food Stamps Hal, on his trust horse, Brian, riding slowly down the Grand Concourse. "Big Randy" was trailing them on an overburdened jackass and they were looking for a place they could stay the night...

  19. The thought of signing Montas feels like the second coming of Javier Vasquez. Except we got more out out of Vasquez. Is the team looking to create a line of training room collectables?

    Monty would be an incredibly better idea.

  20. I hate Hal and CashBrain and Boone so much.


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