Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Boone has managed to attain midseason blather form

Hot scoop: Aaron Boone is excited!

"With reasonable health around and some guys returning to form, then 
it’s got a chance to be a special lineup," he told reporters yesterday. "The left-handed presence - you guys know how much I obsess on the balance sometimes, especially when we haven’t had it... I believe it has a chance to be a tremendous fit.”

Yep, there you have it. It's Dec. 27 - spring training two months away - and Boonie is already writing out his lineup with a Sharpie. And, dagnabbit! he's right! If the Yanks have reasonable health, and a few guys return to form - the AL East had better guard its nuts sack, cuz - SING ALONG! - the Yanks are comin', the Yanks are comin,' and we won't come back 'til it's over over there! 

Insert sigh here.

And so, dear comrades, do we prepare to conclude yet another lost year - 2023 - in much the same way that it began: With Skipper Boone - having somehow survived another management guillotine - perched on his haunches and braying to the moon about what could happen in an alternative Yankiverse - one where gonads don't tweak, aging sluggers reach their peaks, and he doesn't have to cower like a tortured hostage in nightly postgame shows. 

It's the universe where kids grow up dreaming of playing for the Yankees, the world's greatest collection of men, who stand for everything that's exceptional about America. It's a world still comprised of those who love or hate the Yankees, with everybody else merely passing time until their team - the Royals or Twins, who cares? - visit the Bronx to be tested.

This is a Yankiverse that basically disappeared 20 years ago, and it won't come back, whether or not it's over over there. The Yankees used to have something, a mystique, you might say, and they pissed it away long ago to cut their luxury taxes. I'd like to think they still possessed the grandeur as late as 2019, when Bryce Harper and Manny Machado both pleaded for the chance to wear pinstripes, and the Yankee ownership hid under the bed. Or maybe it ended a few years earlier, when they ceded Robbie Cano to Seattle - yes, big-spending Seattle. 

Oh, well, it doesn't matter, does it? Four days from now, the calendar will turn, and it will be Groundhog Year, with Boonie once again warbling about a grand and wondrous future. And why not? The Yankees yesterday traded Estavan Florial for a bullpen lug nut whose main virtue is multiple roster options, which translates into numerous rides on the Scranton shuttle. And soon they'll sign somebody - anybody. You can almost hear the organ grinder playing "Aude Lang Syne" for Frankie Montas, while we run in circles and gather coins from the onlookers. 

It's going to be a long, hard year - a bullpen year - coupled with a presidential election, the Olympics and God knows what. Still, Boonie can't wait to fill out that scorecard. And if everybody stays healthy, and a few players return to form, well... it could be really something!   


  1. I blame the avengers and their time traveling attempt to undo Thanos. They changed the timeline to this nightmare of mediocrity

  2. Chicks dig the Boone Ball.

    Smooth as a brick of expired Velveta, Boone is ready to spread his charm across your crackers.

    Several times last year I felt that Boone looked like a beaten stray dog longing to be put down.

    Several other times last year Boone looked as though he needed to be medicated and sent to that special floor for observation.

    IIHIIF Should add a category this year to guess how many times The Chewster will be ejected in 2024. I

    I say 11 times.

  3. Good to see that, in the Florial trade, they got a replacement for Abreau. They need guys to follow Rodon in the third inning

  4. If the over/under is 11 I'll take the over...

  5. Wasn't a kind of meme during the Vietnam war a mushroom with the caption: "KEPT IN THE DARK AND FED HORSE SHIT"? Something along those lines.

    I'm tired of watching Boone approach with a spoon of bullshit in his hand and a big smile on his face while he tries to feed it to us.


  6. Jaraxle might have something there. Plus, they killed Iron Man. Nobody kills Robert Downey Jr. without fucking up a timeline or two.

    Boone is an idiot. But gee, such a nice guy.

  7. In keeping with the multiverse (or Seinfeld) theme...It's not just the damage CURRENT Boone does to the Yankees, it's that he is also ruining the memory and rep of PAST Boone. Remember the Boone who hit that walk off homer. That kind of player moment should have you never paying for dinner in that town. But, alas, no more! That Boone has been killed by Current and Future Boone. Now, just like that maitre d' in Ferris Beuller's Day Off..."I weep for the future". PS-my over/under on ejections is 6.


  8. You know, there's a lot in the (front-of-the-paper) headlines that I don't wanna read.

    Ukraine-Russkies. Russkie nukes. Hamas-Israel-Houthis-Hezbollah.

    And right here in the US: Males beating females in athletic events. Trump beating Biden (or Biden beating Trump). RFK Jr. (can't get Biden to give him Secret Service protection -- which is, even if you hate RFK Jr. and the Kennedys, damn weird. We're saving $$$ to see if history wants 3 Dead Kennedys?).

    ...I could go on.

    THE POINT: There's enough bad news, if you want to pay attention to it.

    Why should I keep coning here to become even more depressed? I don't think you can sugar-coat the past 14 years, or what is or is not happening now......such as Soto playing one year and moving on. Or Stanton, in general. Etc.

    But can we get some Happy Talk some time? After all, Florial contributed nothing, so losing him subtracts........what?

  9. IKF will probably hit .300+ against us for the Jays

  10. Today is the anniversary of the Ed Whitson signing. He would be a Booney favorite today

  11. The only thing that would excite me is a gag in his mouth.

  12. Say goodbye to IKF. To TOR. 7.5M for 2 yrs. No way Homeless Hal was gonna pay that.

    As mediocre as he was for us, there is currently no viable replacement on the roster, unless you consider Cabrera a viable ML hitter. His .574 OPS last year says otherwise.

  13. Sing it, Duque! Brilliant—and awful.

    Joe FOB, this is the GOOD kind of despair, where we can weep and moan and gnash our teeth, and none of it much matters. We can't affect what the Yankees do, and they—aside from their occasional raids on the public treasury—can't affect our lives. (Thank God. Can you imagine a Cashman administration?)

    It's true, Florial is no great loss. But geez Louise, couldn't we have at least got a minor league pitcher with a little more upside? This is what always grinds about Cashman. Sure, get rid of Sonny Gray, I couldn't stand that guy. But you're trading him for Shed Long? Always the extra yard of idiocy.

  14. For what it's worth, I don't think it's the multiverse. I think it's karma—or a straight out deal with the devil, as I've written here before. Wiley old Jake Ruppert made it one night in his creepy, Upper East Side mansion. "Yanks rule to the end of the Century." Jake was so good, he got an extra few years tacked on. He and Beelzebub toasted each other with some fine Knickerbocker lager, then Satan went back to hell to start molding the zombie franchise killer we know today as Brian Cashman.

  15. And again with IKF: any good GM, figuring he didn't need Falafel in 2024, would have traded him when the season was, obviously, already lost in 2023.

    This isn't rocket science. It's just beyond the ken of our GM.

  16. How can Cashman be so lousy at his job and still have a job, anywhere? And how can any sportswriter not see how lousy he is and write or talk about it, nonstop?

    It boggles the mind.

  17. I did have two wonderful cups of coffee this morning . . .

    And maybe that brick of Velveta wasn't expired after all - making it easier to spread on all of our crackers . . . .

    Plus, every bone in my body tells me that the Mancash is going to make two more highly satisfying additions to our roster that will help our 2024 Yankees stay in the hunt . . . . .


  18. There must be something mesmerizing in the blather of Boone and Cashie. Even the Estimable Keefe, of Keefetothecity, the best, most skeptical Yankees blogger writing outside of this domain, seems to have fallen for it.

    The other day, he was writing how he didn't really mind that the Yankees had failed to sign Yamamoto, because:

    —The Yanks' main problem, for the last 15 years, has not been pitching but hitting.
    —Not having Yamamoto and his whopping salary on the payroll would make the Yanks all the more likely to throw a big contract at Soto.

    Oh, Keefe, poor Keefe! Don't fall for it, man!

    The Yanks' main problem has generally not been pitching, it's true. But they've made it that NOW, thanks to them getting rid of Monty, throwing all those pitchers at the Red Sox and Padres...and doing nothing beyond Cody Morris to take up the slack.

    And the Yanks won't have an excuse not to sign Soto? Oh, Keefe. If the last seven years have taught us nothing else, it's that the Yankees can ALWAYS come up with an excuse to pass on signing a vital addition to the team. They are easily capable of doing the same with Juan Soto.

    What's more, it won't even be their call, ultimately. The only excuse for NOT getting a commitment from Soto as part of that deal, was to say, 'Hey, we'll get back to you in a minute. Right now, we're too busy putting together a superteam, by signing the Admiral.'

    Nope. And now there is every possibility that Soto could find himself on a pitching-barren team that has missed the playoffs for the second year in a row. Why should he sign with that team—our team?

  19. Fun fact: in the sex club/dominatrix scene from the early 2000s in the Bronx, Randy Levine's nom de guerre was "VELVEETA SPREAD"

  20. Bakers Dozen Bit - how many times have you uddered the phrase “Say Cheese” over the years whilst depressing your shudder?

  21. 1) "It's true, Florial is no great loss. But geez Louise, couldn't we have at least got a minor league pitcher with a little more upside? "

    He was available on waivers last year and every team passed.

    2) " Sure, get rid of Sonny Gray, I couldn't stand that guy. But you're trading him for Shed Long"

    Yeah really! That was some piss poor GMing right there.

    3) 13 "Fun fact: in the sex club/dominatrix scene from the early 2000s in the Bronx, Randy Levine's nom de guerre was "VELVEETA SPREAD"

    Mine was "The Laughing Cow"

    4) JoeFOB "But can we get some Happy Talk some time? "

    Mine was "The Laughing Cow."

  22. Doug, "Laughing Cow" is hard to top. I thought about it for some time.

    "Pig in a Blanket"?
    "Individually Wrapped"?
    "Cheez Whiz"?
    "Cool Whip"?
    "Fried Curds"?

    I tried, but could not top "Laughing Cow" for a club moniker. It's bold and actually embraces both-siderism in a non-judgmental way.

    I'll have to try harder...

    Yours truly,,



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