Monday, April 15, 2024



  1. Suzyn says this was the only thing John Sterling ever wanted to do with his life. I didn't know that, wow!

    I remember the time before The Master came to the booth. There used to be Phil Rizzuto and Bill White. Later joined by Bobby Murcer. Then they some guys doing a year or two. Jay Johnstone. Was Charlie Steiner here for a bit?

    Then John Sterling arrived. And he was always there. A fabulously rich, smooth, baritone voice calling every single Yankee game, without fail. I didn't even know what he looked like, but what a voice! And what a style! Hey, I loved it. I was hooked. He was always there to do the job, through earthquake, deluge, locust swarm. Didn't matter what was going on in the world, his voice would be there. It was so comforting to have that radio compadre. John Sterling, I thank you!

  2. Nice tribute, Hammer! But don't forget Frank Messer!

  3. Hank Greenwald was in there for a couple of years. Great broadcaster. Fired, I believe, for not being a homer.

  4. You guys have better memories than me! Indeed, I forgot about Frank Messer & Hank Greenwald. Both were excellent, in my humble opinion. Both those guys were so many light years better than Justin Shakil that there's just no comparison. Good voices, never got on your nerves. No mumbling, no dropping in and out, no wow and flutter. Always clear and distinct. Knew how to put some pregnant pauses in there as well. I never had a problem with either one. Was sad to see them gone.


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