Monday, April 15, 2024




  1. Our hero has a flair for the dramatic. Perhaps it won't be complete retirement.

  2. I guess athletes aren't the only ones who have to endure two deaths. Actors, singers, musicians, radio announcers, blue collar physical laborers, anyone who has a career doing something where physical performance is of utmost importance, the deterioration of which forces retirement, has to experience death twice.

  3. It is still only Monday. Plenty of time for him to change his mind.

  4. He'd been doing a lot of word substitution lately which is an Alzheimer's symptom. I hope that whatever he has, if he has to retire, that it goes well for him. He is a one of a kind with one of the best radio voices of all time.


  5. "In a surprising development, Yankees Manager Aaron Boone has benched outfielder Alex Verdugo after yesterday base running blunder and . . . . "

    Just joking - He's batting sixth in today's lineup against the Jays.

    I enjoyed listening to the Master a few times over the start of the season whilst driving back and forth to Santa Cruz.

    Doug is spot on about the word substitution - he also ramped up for a home run call last week on a routine fly ball causing Suzyn to quietly chuckle. John instantly responded to her chuckle by sayin, "Well, IT IS a fly ball . . . "

    Wow I will miss him when he's gone. Hopefully the announcement won't be any worse than saying that he'll call lesser games this season and retire at the end of the 2024.

  6. To be lovable is one thing, to be mockable another. But to achieve both at the same time is nearly godlike.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.



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