Sunday, April 14, 2024

Verdugo has a close-up view to watching Yanks lose

Tenth inning, runners on 2nd and 3rd, one out, Alex Verdugo hits a sharp grounder to 1st, and - on his slow journey to the base - turns to see what happened.

The result? Double play, Verdugo out at first. Yanks blow it in bottom of the inning. (Butterfingers awards to Anthony Volpe and Gleyber Torres.) 

Yanks bundling blown plays in one game. 


  1. Butterfingers Platinum Awards to Anthony Rizzo. Does he need eyeglasses or a new glove? Lots of botched catches at first base this year. This game a microcosm of his year so far.

    And I ain't seen such a stupid double play since two Yankees got thrown out at home plate on the same play in the '80s. How the fuck do you get thrown out at first for a double play, after a TAG out at home? Not a force out at home, a fucking tag play at home, then throw to first for a fucking double play. I knew that would cost them, and it did.

    This was a doozie, for sure.

  2. BaBoone strikes again. Bottom of the 10th, every other manager in baseball would have walked the last 2 batters setting up the force or the DP. But he never does. Turns the odds against himself. He should be fired just for those repeat moves. " Need a brainless MLB manager to take the heat off yourself? Call 800 BigLou2 and he'll tip the odds against himself. Remember, Big Lou is like Aaron Booone....he's a brainless Simian, too !"

  3. Heaven forbid anybody put a play on, too, when another run might do it. Verdugo fast reverting to his mediocre, Red Sockian self.

  4. Vertigo, however, has played a pretty good LF.

  5. I'll take Quincy Jones in center and glassman in left over the carmine.


  6. I realize Bitty was pie-in-the-sky writing above, but......can you imagine the Yankees this year (or any recent year) with a manager who is "a master baseball mind"....?

    It's a dream. A nice, impossible dream.

  7. Yeah, that was pretty much all they had, 1917-1964. Then things changed.

    Since then? Probably the best were Showalter and Dick Howser, both fired for the worst of reasons.

    We forget: the Steinbrenners are really a pimple on the ass of humanity, but they do have incredible luck. I think that luck is now confined solely to themselves.

  8. Ugh - just reviewed what I missed today - Lordie Lordie Lordie - what a colossal stinker.

  9. Hoss, at this point, with the sheer volume of their assets, they don't need luck. They just need to not have any crackheads-gone-wild in the family, some levelheaded financial advisers, and protection from the pitchfork-wielding hordes who will arrive. They are insulated forever and their wealth will keep increasing, whatever they do. In that odious new term, it's "generational wealth." They have what you might call "inherited luck." And they are lucky to live in a place that's sympathetic to billionaires, that idolizes wealth. And why should they spend more? They already drop enough 9-figure crumbs down on their multibillionaire dollar investment. Hal is genuinely pissed that we don't appreciate all they do for us. It's end-stage capitalism, really, but I'm just a poor shlep who obeys the law, pays his taxes and worries about how I'm going to live off what I've got. It's easy to have luck when you inherit a fortune.

  10. It's easy to have luck when you inherit a fortune.

    Bitty, my Butt, you speak straight to my heart.

    Fuck Hal.


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