Sunday, April 14, 2024

"I guess we'll have to cancel Family Day."—Lee MacPhail


Sorry, but I'm not finished with our resident wife-swapper/child-swapper/dog-swapper yet.  

I know, I know: it was the '70s, the stoned stepchild of the late 1960s, the time of car-key parties and the like. (In the small town where I grew up, some would-be hipsters even approached my parents about taking part in such. They reacted with such horror I think they wore garlic cloves around their necks for the next year.)

But I digress.

Never mind the damage that the Petersons and Kekichs did to each other—or to their kids, whose shrink bills must approach the national debt by now. (I hear the dogs were so depressed they didn't chase a single squirrel for weeks.) That's all incalculable. Many of the obits noted that Fritz and the Second Mrs. Peterson, a.k.a. Susanne Kekich, married and stayed together for the rest of their lives which is, I guess admirable.

Unfortunately, Fritz also to decided to become a born-again Christian, and a loud one at that. The loud part, I mean. This side of human sacrifice (or dog torture), I begrudge no one their religious beliefs. 

What got me was when Fritz decided to set himself up as the sort of Pontiff of Pitching, publicly proclaiming who was going to heaven and who was not. Hence the title of his 2009 book, Mickey Mantle Is Going to Heaven.

Now, first off, Mantle was 14 years dead by that time, and even with the bad knees, if The Mick was going to heaven, I'm sure he'd already got there. Second, Mickey Mantle was born into a toxic waste site, with a frighteningly cold mother, a relative who sexually molested him at a young age, and a surrounding culture that turned him into an alcoholic. Despite that, and despite all the damage he did to himself and his family, he gave us all countless hours of joy. 

If that doesn't qualify you for heaven, I don't know what does, and we don't need Fritz Fucking Peterson to tell us so.

Even worse was Peterson's planned next book: Joe DiMaggio Is In Hell. Yes, people, he actually planned to write that, at least until some p.r. guy or literary agent wrestled him to the ground and ripped the keyboard out of his wriggling, judging hands. 

I assume that, from The Swapper's POV, the Yankee Clipper was presumed to be in hell because he was a Catholic, or had not made some loud pronunciation of his faith, whatever that might have been. It never seems to have occurred to ol' Fritzie that assigning the great DiMaggio—OR ANYONE ELSE—his eternal destination might have been, shall we say, above his pay grade.

In his Bible-studying days, this world champion of chutzpah might have more closely studied Christ's words in Matthew 6:5:

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

Hey, I hope Fritz got the shock of his life at the pearly gates, when Joe D. was there to give him a gruff slap on the head. I hope all the old Yankees of my childhood who have passed on were there, too, along with pretty much everyone else who has made it through this vale of tears. 

(Walter O'Malley, I'm not so sure about, but I'm willing to consider. Apparently, he was very nice to his wife, who was not able to do more than whisper after surviving a bout with laryngeal cancer. So maybe.)

God bless and goodspeed, Fritz. And next time—if there is a next time around—try not to be such a horse's ass.



  1. Amen, Hoss! We can always count on you for a most interesting read.

    "[T]hey wore garlic cloves around their necks for the next year." - I believe they still do that in Transylvania. In fact, they still dig up suicides and cut off the heads of corpses and cut out the hearts and burn the hearts at cross-roads. They have a healthy fear of vampirism.

    "[D]o not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." - Man, I shudder to think of what that reward might be....

    By the way, I heard from St. Paul the other day that, indeed, Mickey Mantle is in heaven. The only caveat to his admittance was that, whenever The Mick reached for a decanter of wine, (of which there are a great many in heaven), a little winged bat-child, whose face looks suspiciously like Brian Cashman, is there to swat him in the head with a large leather fly-swatter. I asked St. Paul if the fly swatter is made in USA, of USA sourced and tanned leather, and he said he'll check on that and let me know next time.

  2. Nestor and the Great Mariano like Trump. I'm sure somebody or other on the current roster also likes RFK Jr. Back in Peterson's day, there were no doubt George Wallace fans on the team at some point. And George Harrison and Eric Clapton swapped wives back then, too.

    I don't understand any of it, just like I don't understand religiosity, most wars, hatred, why there's still poverty, or murder, or keeping women chained up in your basement, or lots of other stuff. People are fucking crazy, in general, is all I can say.

    As to the children in the Peterson-Kekich saga, Perplexity, the (actually pretty good) AI search engine, scoured the intertubes and said:

    "while the family swap was an unconventional and disruptive situation for the children, the available information does not indicate the children experienced significant emotional problems as a result. The adults seemed to try to minimize the impact on the kids, even if the overall arrangement was ultimately unsuccessful. There is no clear evidence in the search results to suggest the children had lasting emotional issues from the experience."

    Beats me.

  3. Hammer, that swatter is made of Corinthian leather. Of course.

  4. Looks like they've figured out Nestor here in the third. Didn't take long.

  5. Trevino hits a home run. I'm stunned.

  6. Cortes was on the ropes. Indians (I mean Guardians) runner gets thrown out trying to steal 3B. Straight out of the Gleyber Torres school of base-running. Just glad that wasn't Torres doing that.

  7. Judge looking like somebody finally told him that the season started. 3 run homer today and a hard liner. Was that the first 3 run homer he hit this year? Or maybe he had one before, I forget. Anyways, the 3 run HR is the best play in baseball. Earl Weaver's (in)famous forumla: 3HR + GP = WIN

  8. What the hell kind of name is Guardians, anyway? Couldn't they name themselves the Praetorians? Or the Hoplites? People would've been like, what the hell is a Praetorian? Would've generated a lot of interest, I say.

  9. Here goes Cortes again. Looks like he forgot to bring the other half of the equation, the GP. Here comes the shit!

  10. Back to the Guardian name. It's just too damned generic. Guardians? Why the hell not Legal Custodians?

  11. A lame name. The Guardians are the statue figures on the big bridge in town, I think. Just terrible. If they wanted a little tourism-generating synergy, they should be the Cleveland Rockers to tie into the Rock Hall of Fame. Cool name and would make sense. So of course...

  12. Cortes is not the Cortes of two years ago. I seriously doubt if he ever will be.

  13. Hey, he can beat the Marlins. Do we ever play them again this year?

  14. At least when you think of "Indians", you think about half naked primitive savages, with eagle feathers in their hair, riding saddleless horses at breakneck speed, shooting arrows, throwing lances, scalping palefaces. Almost makes you wanna join 'em in their desperate escapades, eh?

    The bluejackets usually got the better of them, true, but don't tell that to Custer. He doesn't want to hear about it. Actually, did you know Custer can't hear too well anymore? He got both his eardrums popped by some Indian wench after his last unfortunate battle. The better to hear with, so he can keep his promises in the next world, according the Indians.

  15. @JM, I still like the Cleveland Praetorians. And they can bring in Russell Crowe once a year, wearing ancient Roman armor and carrying a gladius sword, to yell "Praetorian!" in the season opener. How do you beat that?

  16. Not only that, but the Praetorians can also play the game wearing Roman horsehair crest helmets and red pleated skirts, with brown leather corsets. All made in USA, of course!

    It'll be a big hit with the ladies. They just love to check out the jockstaps underneath the skirts, when the Praetorians slide into a base.

  17. The blind man, pulls a Gleyber Torres, thinks he's Lightfoot Louie, forgets that he carries the Invisible Man on his back.

  18. This is not the correct Nestor. Take him out and put in the good one.

  19. They seriously should go back to the Cleveland Spiders.

  20. Weren't the Spiders the worst team ever in "major league" baseball?

  21. Rufus, I'm not clear on your implication.

  22. Did Matt Blake tell Weaver to throw the game?

  23. Like I said yesterday, Florial was out to kill us. Home run, we're losing going into the ninth.

  24. And Weaver was doing so well, too.

  25. Snell should be fired before his trip to the guillotine. Who the fuck says throw fastballs to the kid that couldn't hit a curve with a cricket bat?

  26. Winnie, just that there might be negative history attached to the name. Probably won't pass the pr department approvals.

  27. Nice nubber by Stanton before Rizzo. They didn't announce the velocity.

  28. Torres....bunted???? And well, too.

  29. I want to know how fast it came off the bat, Rufus.

  30. Now Holmes? Is that what comes next? A Holmes?

  31. Could've used that second out right about now.

  32. Ferguson is no Jenkins. We're going to lose. He stinks today.

  33. He was the best we had in the pen? Or was it the stupid leftie leftie crap? Defense didn't help.

  34. JM,

    The exit velo was 125. That's not mph, it's measured in 'turtles'. 1 turtle = 1 in/sec

  35. Excellent fielding all around. A great coaching job (and I really mean 'job') by the no experience pitching coach. Can't really call it a pineapple yet. More like a slow moving train wreck.

  36. And once again, Gleyber is our man on the spot.

    I'm sure he has his eye on that big, free-agent contract. I'm thinking, what? 2 years, $1 mill? Or is that below the salary floor now?

    Bad loss.

  37. Ladies and germs, there it is ... the first really excruciating loss of 2024. And there's a lot more coming where that came from, or my name ain't The Hammer of God!

    Fucking Ba-Boone, getting his secret congrats from the front office, for a dandy job of blowing a winnable game, losing in hair-ripping, infuriating fashion!

    That fucking pitching coach of ours, forgetting to tell his pitcher NOT to challenge Florial with fastballs in a tie game late inning situation. The revenge of Estevan Florial!

    See it all in amazing vivid Technicolor widescreen, 2.55:1 aspect ratio! Coming soon, to a theatre near you!

  38. Yes, bad loss

    Torres, man. Been calling for him to go for 2 years now. I’ll finally get my wish next offseason. No way FrankenSteinbrenner signs both Soto and Torres. Between the two it’s an easy, if expensive choice.

    But the pitching sucked today as well . We’ve got no bullpen, no bench either.



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