Friday, June 28, 2024

Hal Steinbrenner does not understand the town where his family has done business for 50 years.


Gee willikers, boys and girls! After all that boring winning, now comes the very bestest part of the season, when your New York Yankees struggle desperately just to hang on to a wild-card slot! (Spoiler alert: they ain't gonna make it.)

I know that's what you always want. A close race, carefully played out within the bounds of MLB's parity rules. Right? How exciting!

Somehow, even after half-a-century, Hal Steinbrenner doesn't get it.

He still thinks his family is doing business in Cleveland, or maybe in Tampa: one more marginal, big-league city, where it's a BFD just to make the playoffs once in a while—never mind actually winning a division or a pennant.

New York isn't that town.

You've heard it said that rooting for the Yankees is like rooting for U.S. Steel? That was said by a Dodger fan. Or some Red Sox mutt. The response to that from any and every Yankees fan worth his salt was always, Yeah, whatzit to ya? Whattaya got your money on in the market?

This isn't Pittsburgh, or Cincinnati, or Jacksonville, or any of those other places where they hand out medals just for competing. Where merely being close once in a great while is good enough. 

This isn't Dallas, where last year the Texas Rangers had the fourth-best record in the AL, but managed to win their very first World Series in their 63 years of existence.

Uh-huh. Sixty-three years into their existence, the New York Yankees had already completed the greatest dynasty in North American sports history.  

Our reaction? When do we get the next one?

The glow of nostalgia sheds too rosy a light on our memory of Hal's dad, Mad Old George. We should remind ourselves that NO Steinbrenner has won so much as a single pennant...without a team whose core was built when George was banned from the room.

Left to his own devices, George Steinbrenner wanted to trade Mariano Rivera for Felix Fermin, and throw Ron Guidry into the Bucky Dent deal—just for starters. He came within a hairsbreadth of wrecking the franchise altogether—or selling it to the Dolans, not sure just what fate would've been worse.

But at least George wanted to win, bad as he was at doing so. At least he got New York, the full Barnum of it all. The pulsing desire here to see the brightest stars, and the biggest show on earth.

Nobody comes here to see if their beloved, hometown team can maybe struggle into the playoffs every now and then. 

We deliberately left those hometowns and those teams to come here, to the biggest, toughest, most grandiose and awe-inspiring burg of them all.

We're not here for second best. As the song that George started playing incessantly goes, we want to be "A-number one, top of the heap"—not, "Good enough for the top 40 percent!"

Hal, so afraid of offending his fellow owners, has carefully built a team that can periodically win, but can never win it all. Of course this is on purpose. Why the hell else would he keep Brian Cashman around for year after year of incompetence and failure?

No, Hal doesn't get us. He doesn't understand what we live for, what we consider sustained excellence. 

He doesn't get it. That has to be it. Unless...he doesn't care.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can never prove it, but I believe deep down inside, he doesn't care about winning, As Hoss said, why else would he keep cashman and the current team intact?

  3. The Hal Steinbrenner version of a participation trophy is a rosy P&L statement. That’s the way he wins. The rest of us can get stuffed. This guy isn’t any more a winner than his father.


  5. I've been run down
    I've been lied to
    I don't know why
    I let that mean owner make me a fool
    He took all my money
    Wrecked my all my dreams
    Now Cash is with one of his good time buddies
    They're dreamin' up some unproductive schemes

    Sometimes I feel
    Sometimes I feel

    Like I've been tied
    To the whipping post
    Tied to the whipping post
    Tied to the whipping post
    Good Lord, I feel like I'm dying

    [Guitar Solo: Duane Allman]

    [Verse 2]
    My friends tell me
    That I've been such a fool
    And I have to stand by and take it, Yankees
    All for lovin' you
    I drown myself in sorrow
    As I look at what you've done
    But nothin' seems to change
    The bad times stay the same
    And I can't run

    Sometimes I feel
    Sometimes I feel

    Like I've been tied
    To the whipping post
    Tied to the whipping post
    Tied to the whipping post
    Good Lord, I feel like I'm dying

    [Guitar Solo: Dickey Betts]

    Sometimes I feel
    Sometimes I feel

    Like I've been tied
    To the whipping post
    Tied to the whipping post
    Tied to the whipping post
    Good Lord, I feel like I'm dying

  6. Nice, Kevin! Tied to a whipping post indeed! Haven't heard that on the FM dial in ages. Probably some corporate radio a-hole decided to pull it off the airwaves because he decided the imagery of a man being tied to a whipping post was too extreme.

    And here's some Elvis, with more mundane lyrics:

    We're caught in a trap
    I can't walk out
    Because I love the Yanks too much, baby

  7. If HAL doesn't care, that's probably worse than if he just doesn't get it. Because if he doesn't know what the hell he's doing, there's some hope that, one blessed day, he might wake up. On the other hand, if he doesn't give a shit, that means there's zero hope for any change.

    And the longer this goes on, the more you have to conclude that HAL is all about the money and doesn't give a flying rat's ass whether they win, lose or draw. Which explains why Cashman does not get fired. From HAL's point of view, a purely financial one, Cashman is doing a great job.

  8. We’ll be fighting in our seats
    With our overpriced piss-warm beer at our feet
    And the stars we all worship will be gone
    And the YES men we turn on
    Sit in judgment, never wrong
    Cashman decides and now we sing our swan song

    I’ll flip my bat away and give him a head contusion
    Take a bow for the non-existent front office revolution
    Smile and grin cause there’s no changes comin’ round
    Turn on the TV and watch em play
    Just like yesterday
    Then I’ll get on my knees and pray
    I wont get fooled again
    No No!

  9. Fuck HAL
    Fuck Ca$hmoney
    Fuck the "training and conditioning" staff
    Fuck the medical staff and the Pravda marketing weasels.
    Fuck the scouts that tell Ca$hole who to trade for.
    Fuck Boone
    Fuck the *ENTIRE* front office.


    PS, let me know if I missed anyone.

  10. Oh, and thanks for the music.

    ...and all the fish.

  11. Ain't but one way out, Hal, Lord I just can't go out that door
    Ain't but one way out, Hal and Lord I just can't go out that door
    'Cause there's a Cashman down there might be your man, I don't know

    Lord you got me trapped with Hal up on the second floor;
    If I get by this time I won't be trapped no more
    So raise your window, Hal and I can ease out soft and slow
    And lord, your fans, no they won't be
    Talking that stuff that they don't know

    Lord, I'm foolish to be here in the first place
    I know some fan gonna walk in and take my place
    Ain't no way in the world I'm going out that front door
    'Cause there's a Cashman down there might be your man, I don't know
    'Cause there's a Cashman down there might be your man, I don't know
    'Cause there's a Cashman down there,

    Lord, it just might happen to be your Cashman
    Lord, it just a might be your Cashman
    Lord, it just a might be your Cashman
    Oh Hal, Lord, I just don't know...


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