Friday, June 28, 2024

It Happened to the Titanic, as Well.

Few people were certain at the moment of impact.  But the terrible truth is, the minute the berg collided with the hull, it was over. Sure, it would take a little while for the boat to be overwhelmed, and full panic to set in. 

 But done is done.

Yesterday, with one of our " ace" pitchers ( and $ gazillionaires ) on the mound, the game was over within 15 pitches.  Not even time to put mustard on the hotdog. 

At the moment, we can maybe count on Nasty Nestor and Marcus Shoeleather to keep us in the game through 4 or five innings.  Even the great Cy Young winner from last year, can't assure that.  Ironic, that the tide turned against us the moment he returned.  

There is no justice. 

I expect Gil to be in re-hab soon.  And Rodon is more rodent than arm. 

Duque has aptly described the " bullpen......." where no one knows your name."

And we have an infield of AAA players and guys who no longer can play. 

Get in a lifeboat fast, or go down with the ship. 


  1. We're just getting started. Looking at the schedule coming up...this is going to be too awful for words.

  2. 'Tis interesting that the Titanic disaster so closely parallels the Yankee disaster every year.

    1. Despite all the opulence and "unsinkable" bullshit from Titanic's White Star Line management, they failed to take those little extra steps that would've made the ship much safer (and really unsinkable). They failed to raise the bulwarks all the way to the top and create completely waterproof compartments. So when the ship flooded in two or three compartments from the iceberg collision, the sea water rose to the top and flowed over the bulwark into the next compartment, much like an ice cube tray being filled with water.

    1(a). They also failed to post enough lookouts. There were only two lookouts on duty when the collision occurred at night. And they didn't even have a pair of binoculars.

    2. Terrible seamanship: they ignored all the rules of mariners from time immemorial, in order to live for their own hubris. They went full speed into ice floes in the dead of night, in pitch blackness, in order to set a new record time for an Atlantic crossing.

    The New York Yankees management/ownership have got the exact same kind of hubris and lack of attention to detail, penny pinching on important details.

    Every year, Yanks start with old, broken down players, lousy inexperienced coaches and terrible manager, and not enough spare parts and not enough pitching to make it through the long regular season. They skimp on players who they should bring in but spend lavishly on has-beens who can't cut it anymore. They say all the right things about winning, the tradition, the quest for championships. But it's all bull shit. And then they hit an iceberg and sink every mid to late June. And they moan about it being an unforeseeable calamity. It is a fucking joke. And a bad one too. We've seen it too many times.

  3. Interesting stuff about the Titanic, Hammer. And then they let most of steerage drown, and blamed it on the Irish welders. Disgusting.

  4. Steerage is always sacrificed, just like us jamokes in the upper deck.

    Management does not care.


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