Thursday, July 4, 2024

Two games behind Baltimore, five ahead of Boston. Happy Fourth of July, chumps.


Eat a dog for the Yankees, who are 5-13 since June 13.

Tomato can.

Seriously. I have no words.

What else can be said?

Tomato can.


  1. J.D. Davis: not good enough to stick on the Oakland A's roster. Suddenly good enough to hit cleanup for the NYY. Anything wrong with that?

    And seriously, Davis gets starts over Ben Rice. Why??????

    Might as well hit Austin Wells cleanup for a long whiles. See what the kid has. He can DH when not catching. Play him everyday.

    I was thinking along the lines of more conspiracy theories last night. Management seems to do everything possible never to bring up prospects. Even if they do come up or are ready to come up, they come down with injuries. That strikes me as highly suspicious. Could management be directing the coaching staff to get these guys on high risk training regimens to get them injured and out of the way? Dominguez comes up last year and is injured in less than a week. Dominguez this year looks ready to come up and gets injured right when it looks like they'd have to bring him up. Extremely suspicious, that's all I can say.

    It'd be very easy to get guys injured. It's well known that throwing a weighted ball causes torn UCL in the elbow. All management would have to do is tell its coaches to ramp it up, and voila!

  2. And yes, Happy Birthday to El Maestro!

  3. We are sinking like a rock, and management could care less. We can’t beat the Reds, and have a tough schedule coming up. What do you think is going to happen? There is a plague of injuries at all levels of the organization, what’s being done about it?

    What’s the plan?

  4. George Michael Steinbrenner III (July 4, 1930 – July 13, 2010) was an American businessman who was the principal owner and managing partner of Major League Baseball's New York Yankees from 1973 until his death in 2010 *

    *they have never been the same

  5. Let's not get carried away with deifying Mad King George. The only thing he ever won was the back pages of The Daily Murdoch, and not always for positive reasons.

    He was born with silver spoon in his mouth (which was almost always open) and it wasn't until he was banished that the Yankees truly became a true dynasty.

    And his son is so much worse.

  6. Mr D Allen - Trust me I am not getting carried away by Bully George.

    (it is just that today is also his birthday - and we have not been the same since he died)

    That said - looks like the powers that be have decided to FINALLY change the batting order. After a day off - Rice is leading off with Volpe dropping into the 6th hole.

    Stroman hopefully has been encouraged to air out Gleyber if necessary today.

  7. Amen, DickAllen. Living through George was enough of a nightmare. Been a fan since the early 50's, and now this yes is worser, a slow death.

  8. Apologies AA. I never meant to cast any aspersions your way.

    I just remember what an asshole George was. Those early years (and later ones too) were like living in a madhouse. It could only have been more insane if the protagonists had been waving handguns.

  9. Happy Birthday Master, and everyone stay safe this weekend!

  10. @ BTR....What is the plan? What is the frequency, Kenneth?

  11. To try and cherish what fragments of joy that can be extracted from this wretched team, which are becoming fewer and fewer by the second,,,,

  12. Still on pace for 30-52 second half record, bring us right home at .500 for the season. The long thread on the sweater has been pulled…ESPN+ has some old Yankee games, like Wells and Cone’s brilliant pitching. Maybe I’ll just watch those on repeat.

  13. Piiax..that's an interesting name. Does it mean anything special?

    Uncle Ben leading off seems like a good step. I'm sure Boone will find some way to screw things up, regardless.

  14. Yes, I'll celebrate The Master, but not Mad King George.

    Sure, George had some things going for him. He really did want to win, and he had a bit of Barnum in him, which this town now sadly lacks.

    But he was a nepo baby who never really knew what he was doing, and he came very close to killing our team—or moving it to Denver.

    And again: the ONLY time when a winner got built during the Age of Steinbrenners was when George was suspended. He was a bully and a lout—and he left us with this pathetic cipher of an owner who was doubtless shaped by his bullying loutishness.

  15. And no, there is no plan. As usual. Once again, Brian Cashman is amazed that something went wrong with his badly laid plans and idiotic dreams.

    Happy Fourth of July!

  16. Incredibly asinine non-start to the game. First the "stand-off" between Yankees and Reds players, then a bizarre challenge by the Reds, claiming that Volpe was standing on the outfield grass (he wasn't).

    I guess these are all head games to unnerve Stroman and who knows, maybe they will.

    But it's the Fourth of July, the sun is shining, you're playing before a packed house at Yankee Stadium. Why doesn't everyone just go out there, play the game, and pretend they give a shit about entertaining the fans?

  17. Why are these two clowns talking up Montas?

  18. And Torres pulls an “Ole” on that SB. Couldn’t he at least block it?

    Rice leading off?

    No sooner do the YESSIRS criticize the Red’s D, they rob us on a nice play

  19. Judge hit into a very poorly timed DP yesterday and he whiffs first time up today. Yeesh.

  20. Gleyber being Gleyber, BTR.

  21. Kay and O'Neill really suck. Wow.

  22. I was thinking about a vodka and tonic, AA. But it's quarter to 11 here ..

  23. Pitching falls apart. Offense falls apart. Manager was always apart...

  24. I guess we should wait until noon, at least.


  25. Well, there was a man on. It's a start.

  26. uhhhh…. Kinda getting a “we’re gonna get no-hit” vibe.

  27. It's hot, they're sleepy...

  28. ESPN Gamecast is a good 30+ seconds ahead of my YES feed.

  29. Boone needs to get tossed. He’s due.

  30. Volpe fails again. But so has everyone else.

  31. Who was it that recently said the Yankees are worse than bad -- they're boring?

  32. It's the same game. Over and over.

  33. JM, someone on this site. Within the last week.

  34. And as Black Bart said, They wuz right!

  35. I have tickets to see this mess in a couple weeks, and I don't want to go. I don't even want to expend the effort to follow this shit.

  36. Answer to JM. "Piiax" is sorta my name shortened, Paul Isaacs.

  37. I see. Nice to meet you, Paul.

    I've had enough of this game. What a disaster. Swept by a lame God.

  38. This really a fucking disgrace - swept at home by the Reds!

    I’d say a thirds of this team doesn’t even belong in the major leagues.

    Let’s start at the beginning by firing Boone.

  39. I picked a good week to go away… Mrs. Ranger and I are on vacation in Rhode Island… in Red Sox Nation. I ‘m missing someone real horrible…

  40. Pathetic display. The Yankees have three good players and a collection of rejects.

  41. Cut Grisham. Lackadaisical play, lazy, doesn’t care. Why should he when the Mgr. will pay his head, kiss his ass…

    They lay down like dogs in the 9th.


    JULY 4 rating? A dud.

    This team sucks
    This team SUCKS!

  42. Boone defending Grisham, and failing. Something about a slow heartbeat, Fuck if I know what he’s talking about.

    This whole team has a slow fucking heartbeat.

    Fire Boone. And cashman. And the coaches. And whoever the fuck else is in the room when you’re doing it.

  43. Two best hitters in baseball. Best starting pitcher in baseball. Worst team in baseball.

  44. Boone Boone Boone. Soone Soone Soone. Gone Gone Gone. Please. Even Kaye and O'Neill are dying.

  45. The great thing about watching Gleyber Torres is how everyday he opens up a whole new part of his game. Sure, he went 0-3 today, but he found a way to give a teammate an error by failing to corral that easy throw to second.

  46. Gleyber is a very inventive guy.

  47. I think it is time to revive mr. bit's old saw about the level of suckatude that YOUR 2024 NEW YORK YANKEES have achieved. It is world class.

    Congrats gentlemen. You are the best at suckatude.

  48. {{{{{{{{{{RUFUS}}}}}}}}}}

    On the road in Spokane, WA and hope we can still organize for an August meeting...

    I love you all.


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