Thursday, August 8, 2024

Notes from the old country

I hear it is possible to win both games of a double header. Obviously, not yesterday.

It's actually amazing over here in Germland. Nobody seems to care about the Yankees. Nobody. It's astounding. I've seen a couple of guys wearing Yankees caps, but it's some kind of fashion statement. Considering the rest of their outfits, it's not a statement worth repeating.

Question: how can we not have enough starters to play a double header with a reasonable chance of winning both games? I like Warren, but he's not exactly ready for the big time. And where the hell is Ron Marinara or Maraschino or however the heck it's spelled? Is he really that bad? He started out great and now...pfft. Ghosted.

Ray Milland was a gamer. Must have had a great sense of humor to do The Man with Two Heads. He was also the bad guy on a Columbo episode. My first exposure to Milland was The Man with the X-Ray Eyes, the flick that Stang mentioned. Which was a decidedly weird movie with a really nasty ending.

His old films are almost uniformly good. He did comedy, drama, sinister bastards, romance--there wasn't much he couldn't do. Kind of like the opposite of Gleyber.

Anyway, since I'm sleeping while most of the games are being played (and missing the unfolding comments until everyone else is sleeping), I just wanted to poke my head up and say Guten Tag to y'all. As others have said, IIH is a balm and a joy in a world that generally sucks, and I miss the real-time game commentary.

Here's a photo of Ray in younger days. Bryan Ferry, eat your heart out.


  1. Agreed, JM! A terrific actor in his prime. And originally...a soldier! Who knew? Sad to see that he was in things like this.

  2. This may be bad timing, considering ElDuque is having his own, but
    The Lost Weekend is Milland’s best movie.

  3. Wow, Wezil, you're 100 percent correct. Great movie.


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