Tuesday, February 18, 2025

An Above Average Haiku Tuesday ~ Dem' Bows, Dem' Bows, Dem' Elbows, Edition!


  1. Can't play without Arms

    Can't play without Legs either

    So Can't Run Can't Play

  2. Squats, deadlifts, BPs:
    Stanton did too many so
    now he can't do shit.

  3. I interrupt this brilliant "flow" of haikus (get it, get it!) to give a much belated shout-out to the eminent Doug. Thanks for the kind words about the book—and thanks to ALL of you on that score. You guys are like...a stream of bat's piss! (I know you know the Python reference.)

  4. Haikus flow down stream
    Gently melting ice and snow
    Pee jokes make us laugh

  5. G. Stanton shouted,
    I’m injured, therefore I am!
    It hurts to pee, too.

  6. I pee more slowly
    Now, but I pee nonetheless.
    Cashman drinks bat piss.

  7. Cashman smokes bat shit
    And memorizes dumb stats
    While riding on Hal

  8. Canada woman
    Loses hands for shark picture
    Cash's new DH


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