Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jeez, Flock, Fall to Dodgers

Goddammitall! A crappy day in Yankeeland, if ever there was one!
Just learned that our Gulf Coast Yankees lost 5-0 to the Gulf Coast Dodgers in Game II of the Gulf Coast World Series.
Jesus Montero -- the 17-year-old catcher/DH whom the Yankees signed last year for $1.2 million, making him the highest-paid Latino free agent in the entire class of 2006 -- went 1/4 with a pair of Ks.
The series is tied at 1-1.


  1. How many Gulf Coast rings do we have?

  2. Any word on how Oliver Platt is taking this?

  3. Whoever heard of a catcher that is 6'8" and weighs 265 pounds?

    Jesus !!!!

    - Carl Pavano ( from re-hab center in Monaco ).


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