Friday, October 30, 2009

Boston Writer Doesn't Want America To Be Safe


  1. they probably afraid pete abe didnt have dinner yet and would see mr. steinbrenner safe

  2. PeteAbe, you fat fucking traitor fuck, go fuck off somewhere, didnt the season end for this guy after pap-smear blew the red sox season? ugh, go do some sit-ups, pull-ups, anything, just get off the yankees dicks already, geez, ITS OVER PETE, i know its hard (for you) but its over..let it go

  3. What was Steinbrenner drooling?

  4. Don't know what Abraham is babbling about. More hearsay from a Yankee hater.

    Here's a photo

    He looks fine.

  5. If you wish to have a conversation with Mr. Abraham, just call him a Yankee-hater on Twitter. It's a very touchy subject for him, apparently. He'll only answer you through DM's, though, which he will later delete

  6. Pete and I had a war of words on his last day as a Yankee blogger.

  7. It's totally Weekend At Bernie's. Big Stein died a month ago. They're just wheeling the body around so they can sell the "win it for the boss" shirts and to get the media all frothy.

  8. I wonder what a Pete Abe - Tim McCarver podcast would sound like? What would they talk about?

  9. I'm still trying to imagine the first meeting between the two Peters... Abe & Gammons.

  10. I'm sure Abe brought a copy of Gammons's blues CD to get an autograph. Of that, you can be sure.

  11. Pete... you are nothing to me now... You are not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't want to know you, or what you do. I don't want to see you at the hotels. I don't want to see you near my house. When you see our mother I want to know a day in advance so I won't be there. You understand?

  12. Poor Pete. He gets no love.

    He just wants to be loved.

    Is that so wrong?


  13. I'm sure Abe blew Gammons until he yelled "Oh Theo, you feel so good!"

    I hate that fat cocksucker Peter Abraham! He's just jealous his team sucks and the Yankees are inches away from no. 27!

    Fuck you Peter Abraham! I hop you get runover by a duck your!


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