Tuesday, October 6, 2009

First Round Predictions

I can't find my photo, so I am going naked.

1. Twins vs. Yanks. Not Tigers.

2. A-Rod will have first explosive post season of his life.

3. Dave Robertson and Marte will record biggest outs for the Yanks.

4, Guzman will steal zero bases.

5. Pettitte will give us a great pitching performance.

6. Yanks in five with walk-off win.

Please send Xanax.


  1. Can you not post without reminding us how little you know about baseball?

    #2 is an media creation. Alex has had a couple great post season years already.

    Alphonso are you still searching for the WMDs?

  2. My question, Alph,is whether you are jinxing us by talking positivel Not that I'm complaining, but we always understood the method to your negativity. You're drinking the Kool-Aid. That's fine. It better work though, or it's on you.

  3. I know.

    It's my hangover.

    I'll make up for it later.


    It's too late already.

    I'd better be right.

    I got the first one on the list.


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