Saturday, September 29, 2018

Gary Sanchez gets a chance to clear his name, and Gardy to say goodbye

Gary Sanchez homered last night. No. 18. You don't need to hear his batting average. Let's just say it's two Espinosas below Mendoza. And while we're at it, let's not recount his bucket of passed balls, and the way he trotted to first base to end perhaps the most infuriating loss of the season. Let's just say that if either Joe Torre or Joe Gerardi were still running this team, Sanchez would be buried in bench detritus or mopping floors at a 7-Eleven in Scranton. But he's still here, and they say he's really trying. (Though they've said before, and the jury remains out.) 

Over the last seven days, the YES team has reported an uptick in Sanchez's hitting. He's not exactly Carlton Fisk. In the last week, he's hitting .217, with two homers and an on-base percentage of .308. He's also drawn a few walks. Baby steps, right? Just close your eyes and imagine 2016.

It looks as though the Yankees will start Sanchez in the Wild Card, and then onward throughout the playoffs, if there are any. That gives Sanchez the kind of chance at redemption few Yankees ever get. (Last year, Greg Bird received such a chance, and it won him a starting job for most of 2018.) If Sanchez hits in the post-season, if he shows a spark, if he doesn't botch a game behind the plate or jog out a season-ending grounder, he could return next season with his future intact. 

A month ago, I couldn't have imagined such a thing.

And then there is Brett Gardner, the de facto Yankee captain, and the favorite Yankee for most fans. It's been a horrible year for Gardy, who is hitting .239, with 12 homers, and that just won't cut it. 

Here's the deal: If Oakland throws a lefty against us in the Wild Card, it would be hard to imagine Gardy starting that game. Which means we might see the last of his Yankee career this weekend. (Of course, he might come into the Wild Card as a defensive replacement or pinch runner. And if the Yankees are down by a ton, Gardy would probably come to bat just for the fans to say good-bye.) 

It's been a long year for Gardy. Next August, he'll turn 36. The Yankees will not pick up his $12 million option. And with them being contractually bound to Jacoby Ellsbury, like Ahab to the whale, it's hard to imagine them even bringing Gardy back at a low price. His greatest value would be a role model on a young, ascending team, and that doesn't sound like the Yankees. 

But, lo and behold, here comes the Wild Card. Last October saved Greg Bird. Could it save Gary or Gardy? Cross your fingers, everybody. It will soon be time to use our juju.


  1. With the luxury tax (supposedly) not being an issue next year, here's hoping they "a-rod" Ellsbury the glass whale next year.

    Even with that, it doesn't look like Gardner is in the plans next year. Too bad, I'll miss him. He was one of the few that seemed to be pissed about making outs (which he did too much).

    ...unless of course he tears it up and is named WS MVP. Look what it did for Matsui -- oh, wait -- never mind.

  2. MATSUI!! MATSUI!! AaaHaahahahahaaaaaHHHHaaaahhhh!!
    AAaAhhaaaa-haha-haaa-hhhhhHHHaaaaaaa-HHHHHaaaaAAHHHHHHHHHHHaaaa-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaaaaAaAaHaHaHaaHaHAA-HAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

  3. Tino hit 35 homers and they dumped him for Giambi, the hairless steroidal wonder. Matsui is the MVP of the World Series, and sayonara. Johnny Damon...see ya!

    The Tino move stung at our house. My wife said the bad karma would haunt the Yankees for years, and it did, until the oddball year of 2009. Other than that, we've had 15 years of frustration. (Does the second half of this season count as 16?)

    Regardless, it was nice to paste the Sox last night, and I look forward to continuing said pasting today and tomorrow.

    And then, the As. Who must meet the fate of all surging low-budget teams who challenged for their division and then failed miserably. Yes, they're dangerous, but seriously. At Yankee Stadium?

    I scoff in their general direction.

  4. Last night was a good win, but not without its issues. Happ was left in just a little too long, another questionable managerial decision (why leave a lefty in to face Pearce with bases loaded??). Zach Britton barely closed it out, and it was interesting that Britton was chosen over Chapman. Betances faced 7 batters (as did Britton) in one inning. Sanchez almost failed to touch home plate while scoring a run, and the replay was "inconclusive." Gleyber Torres throwing his body around like a rag doll and risking that elbow.

    There was a bright side though. The bats seem to be coming alive, although against inferior pitching. Judge hit a HR to left-center field, a sign his wrist may be getting stronger. Sanchez homered and doubled. AnDUjar tied Joe D. in doubles for a rookie. The team is tied for the team record of most HR in a season. They can get 100 wins for the season with one more win. And what I thought was perhaps the most interesting stat of all: if the number 9 hitter in the lineup can get one more HR, then this team will be the first in baseball history to have a lineup that has produced 20 or more HRs from 1-9 in a season.

    The Wild Card game will be a bullpen game, so I would not waste a lot of thought about who starts that game. What's far more important is how the bullpen is managed, and at this point I think the As have the advantage there. The Yankees need to score early and often against the As' opener, and get the crowd going.

    I think that the Yankees will give Sanchez a pass this year because of his groin injury, and give him another year to get it together. Groins heal very slowly, and I do not think he is still completely healed when I watch him (attempt to) run. They need to work on getting his head straight, because the talent is hard to deny. They will give him about as long as they gave Bird, I think. He may yet be worth the investment; attitude is the key.

    I do wish Gardy would just retire. Watching older ballplayers hang on and just decline is very sad. It's hard to let go. David Wright is another example of that, although I think what the Mets did was pretty OK.

    I sense we can steal a game from the Athletics at home. I am realistic about our chances to win three from Boston; they are not good. I'll leave you with this article from the Boston Globe, a profile on how Alex Cora has changed the culture in Boston and how he has integrated the use of analytics into his game management and preparation. Read the article, and then compare how Cora manages to how Ma Boone manages. In truth, there is no comparison. We really lost this season the day Cashman hired Boone.

  5. PoorPlayer, I agree with you 1000% on Boone. John M, I’ll try to borrow some of your optimism. WinWar, caw caw!!!

    And I must add the magic incantation “hocus pocus, scrotus locus - chin chin chee. Ice cream sandwich, lice and mayonnaise, Boston sux a flea.”

  6. WTF a bullpen this what it's come to

  7. 20 HR's from every slot in the batting order.

  8. Plus the all-time record for HRs by a club in one season. One homer, two records. Gleyber Day indeed!

  9. The only reason to watch tomorrow is to see how Carlton pitches in his two inning stint.

  10. It's Ian Fucking Kinsler. Fucking throw strikes.

    AAaAhhaaaa-haha-haaa-hhhhhHHHaaaaaaa-HHHHHaaaaAAHHHHHHHHHHHaaaa-ah-ah-ah-aaaaaaaaAaAaHaHaHaaHaHAA-HAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!

  12. RIGHT!
    What till the game/games mean something,,,,, UURRRRGGGG!

  13. 100. I never thunk it.

    But Holder and Kahnle...Jesus H. Ice Cream.

  14. I know what you’re all thinking. Take a deep breath, look into the mirror, and repeat after me...

  15. Anyone have a spare goat and camel to sacrifice to the Juju Gods?

    If not, happy sukkot from this goyem.

  16. I'm grilling, but not goat. We're having jerk chicken and Paul Prudhomme's dirty rice with salad. And I believe a gin and tonic is in the offing.

  17. As The Master put is so well, "Oww! I hit my arm! Oh!"


  18. I have been thinking about the season. The Yanks have won 100 games. The 20th 100 win season in the franchise history. No little thing. And they did it playing half a Triple A lineup for most of the second half. And now almost everyone is back and healthy enough to play full time, maybe with the exception of the closer role. I am hopeful. And the Red Socks suck. Oh they suck so long and so hard. And 265 HR and counting is no tiny feat. It does not ensure excellence in the postseason, but then again the 1961 Yankees did pretty well after setting a the single season HR record. And the Red Socks suck so hard they could strip the chrome off of a trailer hitch. Suck a golf ball through 50 yards of garden hose, amirite? I have achieved a place of calm and hopefulness and excitement awaiting the Wednesday game. I will be here for all of my IIHIIFIIC cousins. Can we please live blog again? Now it begins in earnest. I will be here. Here I stand. And oh gads the Red Socks suck amazingly hard.

    Peace and Love.

    Red Socks Suck.

  19. AOBF
    This is for you

    Rufus, are you from Fredonia, NY?

  20. I am not from the Fredonia in NY. I am from the Freedonia that is in the state of confusion.

  21. WW, I’ll either be here Wednesday night or I’ll be learning Quran with tajweed.

    Hey, I’ve been wondering.... do the redsocks suck?

  22. Hail hail Freedonia land of the brave and free...

  23. "Gentlemen...Chicolini here may talk like an idiot, and look like an idiot, but don't let that fool you...He really is an idiot. "

    Is Chicolini Italian for Boone?


  24. I really want the world to know about this great man who brought back happiness into my life again after my husband left me and the kids 3 years ago for another women online when i contacted Dr Believe he cast a love spell for me within 48 hours my ex husband start calling me and begging for forgiveness for everything that have happened between us. I was so happy to have my family back together with love again here is the email of Dr Believe via a man with the great powers you can also call him or add him on Whats-app: +2348156148821
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