Monday, June 6, 2022

Off Day Thoughts

I always read the morning El Duque with a flagon of coffee in my hand and the hope in my heart that he will write something that will inspire me. Today’s blog got me to thinkin’ about complaining. Despite El Duque’s concerns, there is still plenty to complain about and lots of literary and entertainment based references left to do it with…

Today is an Off Day… Day-Off….  Dayyyyyy-Off. 

Why is Day-O a stadium thing?

It doesn’t inspire like “Charrrge”. It lacks the childish schoolyard pettiness of that “neener, neener, neener” sound they play when an opponent strikes out. It doesn’t annoy everyone like the, “What, are they strangling a whale back there?” sound they play with two strikes and two outs. You know, the one they play so loud that the pitcher can’t hear the pitch the catcher is broadcasting to his cap. The Death Star sound. The one it makes just before it is blown to smithereens.

Day-O is a song about a guy who wants to get paid and go home. The Yankees want you to stay and spend all of your pay on a Hot Dog.  

Maybe they are subliminally trying to get us to buy an $11 Frozen Banana…

Wait! Do they only play it with a guy on third? Anyone? Because that would make sense. The guy on third wants to go home. Can we crowd source this? I’m genuinely curious.


Complaints Using References To Things They Made Me Read In 8th Grade.  

The Call of the Wild (Card)  

Of course, MLB changes the rules just in time for us to have to face the 12th seed, 5 games below .500 Red Sox in the playoffs!  Who thinks that will go well? 

At least if we win the division we will have home field advantage, because going into the season, the team was basically, “Born To Be Wild" card” material. 

Bonus points if you can tie, “Born To Be Wild” into a book they made me read in 8th Grade.  

Give up?

It was Steppenwolf.  How the hell were we supposed to be able to process Steppenwolf at fourteen? I still read it once a decade and my understanding of it continues to evolve and, truth be told, I’m still not sure I get it.  

Look Homeward Angel

The state of MLB umpiring still stinks. And you just know that Angel Hernandez will be behind the plate in a crucial playoff game and calling Judge out on pitches at his ankles.  

Seize the Day

I'm tired of watching Yankees admiring their "HR Blasts" only to have the ball stay in the park, turning triples into doubles and, even, worse into outs. This happened three times last week.


The Invisible Man

But enough about Aaron Hicks. Da. Da. Dum.


  1. Wait, they made you read Steppenwolf in junior high? That is messed up.

  2. Call of the Wild, though—that was fun!

  3. Hoss -

    Truly. Not as messed up as showing us the Sony Bono "Don't Do LSD" movie. I still get flashbacks from it.

    BTW - That's a quick response to the post. Is it possible that you were going to post something and checked first because didn't want to jump me? :)

    If so, you are a good friend. If not, the idea that I would think that was true makes you also a good friend.

  4. I did indeed, Doug K., and very glad to see that you were already up. Thanks for the compliment.

    And as to the playoffs...

    If things stay as they are, wouldn't the BoSox—or whoever is the 6th seed in the AL—have to win a playoff series first, in order to get to us? Which could lead to the same horrors. But just saying.

  5. Blogger TheWinWarblist said...

    Do you remember? Do you remember?

    We need to start planning now.

  6. WINNIE> I remember I remember! Count me in, I cannot stay mad ( re boycott) with the team playing like this, PLUS, I miss you all. Anytime in July/August should work fine, NYC staycation for me this year!

  7. I can do last week in August or anytime in Sept.

  8. As we are demonstrably the best team in MLB, there really is very little to complain about.
    Just some grievances to air, a Summer Festivus for the rest of us.

    - We really haven’t been tested yet. It’s coming later this month. As HC said earlier, just hold serve and we’ll be alright. That’s the value of beating up on the Tigers, Orioles, etc..
    - Yes Doug, posing at the plate is an act of narcissism, of putting self above team. It’s corollary is jogging down to first to watch the flight of the ball, missing out on taking an extra base, or even getting thrown out at 2nd.
    - MLB umpires are for the most part an anachronism; for myself, I can’t wait for the automated strike zone to give a true reading of balls + strikes, essentially giving control of the strike zone to the players. No more “pitcher’s ump, hitter’s ump. Please, no retorts about how that would take the “human element” out of the game.
    - Alas and Alack, whither the $5 beer and the $2 hot dog???

    Enjoy the off day everyone! Back at tomorrow with the Minnesota Sanchezes.

  9. anyone seeing the Yankees road show this year in Oakland?

  10. AA -

    I'm out of town when they're in but I would catch the A's against another team. Or the AAA Sacramento River Cats (SF Giants) or the Stockton Ports.(single A Oakland).

  11. Coming up in the old neighborhood I had a best friend named Jack.

    Jack's dad was a detective with the local police, iron man type, quiet. Nobody ever fucked with Jack's dad. When I was in high school there was a locally famous incident...three guys did some crimes, killed a state trooper. One was caught and the other two went back up into the woods above our house, the police came, and Jack's dad went up there after them. Shot them both, one dead. We were all in awe of the man.

    Later on we were to learn more about Jack's dad. He was an Army Ranger in WW2 and on June 6th was in a company that rope-climbed up the cliffs at Pointe du Hoc looking for some artillery that was supposed to be there. Jack's dad and another Ranger went off down a road by themselves, found the guns, and disabled them. He got a ton of medals we neither saw nor knew about. Undoubtedly he was responsible for a lot of saved lives.

    I didn't have a dad of my own - one that I ever met - but Jack's dad helped me out a lot as a kid and I am proud to have known him. I make sure to tell someone about him every June 6th.

  12. Great story Mildred. My father was in Normandy that June 9th onward. I think he was there for a wine tasting excursion or something.

  13. We must look at the schedule and pick a weekend for a game. Who organized the game last time?

  14. Yes, great story. Glad you related it. Thank you.


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