Friday, December 2, 2022

With or without Aaron Judge, it's easy to see the 2023 Yankees descending into negativity

Imagine, for a moment, opening day in Yankee Stadium, as the bleacher creatures' famous roll call reaches right field:  

"BRAN-DON NIM-O!" Clap clap, clapclapclap. 

"BRAN-DON-NIM-O!" Clap clap, clapclapclap.

Fukkin shoot me. Whomever is out there, if he's not named Aaron Judge, will be welcomed to NYC with a tidal wave of boos, likely followed by the once-every-generational chant, "STEINBRENNER SUCKS!" 

What a way to launch a season.  

In fact, it won't be Brandon Nimmo. He knows better. It'll be some small market schmuck obtained in a Cashmanic trade, who gets sent out like Brad Gulden to replace, in this case, the most beloved Yankee since Derek Jeter. His every failure will be magnified 100 times. If he homers - defying the vibes -it will only remind many fans of who is NOT there.

Listen: The Yankees are dangling over a precipice. With or without Judge, there is no guarantee that they won't go Thelma and Louise

Three years ago, they were hamstrung by Giancarlo Stanton's bloated contract. Today, it's far worse. They face a mountain of similar deals. They have no choice but to roll out the money truck for Judge, despite knowing that his contract will inevitably become a lead-weighted albatross. 

I cannot remember a more depressing December. I cannot recall a time when one team - even Boston - had our number more than Houston does. If Food Stamps Hal keeps Judge, he will probably impose a moratorium on further spending. Thus, we will become the California Angels. And if Hal loses Judge, if the unthinkable happens, his replacement will carry the biggest target on his back since Archduke Ferdinand. 

Soon, Judge will decide his fate. I really hope he stays. But either way, the Yankees face a dark December. And the days are still getting shorter.


  1. The days dwindle down to a precious few. November...December...

    And these few precious days I'll spend with you. Gnashing my teeth and rending my garments over whatever lame shit Hal and Cashman hand us this winter.

  2. We were talking about the love that's gone so cold

    And the people who gain the world and lose their soul

    They don't know

    They can't see

    Are you one of them?

  3. Pope Francis met this morning with Hal Steinbrenner, chairman/Managing General Partner of the New York Yankees (@Yankees)

    (cc: @NYYankeesNews1, @YankeesPR)

    Hopefully, Pope Frank offered forgiveness should Steingummer have to exceed the Luxury Tax…

  4. Or maybe they were drinking out of ruby studded 24K gold goblets talking about how, despite owning franchises whose glory days are behind them, they still manage to bring in the bucks.

    No disrespect.

  5. Yes, Duque, quite annoying. I won't use the word depressing, because I have accepted that The Morons Four run The Yankees: Cheapskate Hal, Genius Cashman, Fat Slob Randy and Lost Lon. What Yankees fans need to continue to do is to voice their displeasure. If Hal and or The Genius are at Yankees Stadium, boo their Ass.

  6. AA, I could hear the sitar playing in the background.

    Doug, I think that's exactly how the meeting went. They have a lot in common.

  7. Where is Cory Lidle now that we need him to fly a banner daily over the stadium during this upcoming season, cursing the Steinbrenner family and the Bloated Front Office ala Allie Sherman circa 1966?


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