Saturday, October 21, 2023

I AM Giving Up Being A fan

We all know what it has been like to be a Yankee fan.  But the last couple of decades have been costly to that endeavor.  And to our mental acuity.

We used to cheer the team all the way to the World Series.  Now, we cheer them to an easy loss in the annual "play-in" game, hoping to get a wild card slot in an actual series.  

This season,  I was cheering for 77 Yankee victories so I could win a years' supply of Corn Flakes. 

To survive this Yankee-less post season, I did the following:

1. Rooted against the pigsty, cheating Astros. 

2. Rooted for the Phillies.  They are a real team, considering the course of baseball history.  They have excellent pinstripe uniforms.  They are the home of Cheesesteaks. And good friend went to Temple.

It all started out well.  The Rangers won two quick games on the road.  The Phillies were up 2-1 yesterday, with a 4-2 lead in the 7th inning.  

Yesterday, the Rangers also had a 2 run lead late until Altuve hit a 3 run homer to put Houston ahead.  An event which I predicted before he was at bat, and as witnessed by other fanatics.  The little toad always kills us and all hope for a free America. 

What I am trying to say is it ( everyone I rooted for or against ) all fell apart.  The Phillies lost and are now mortally wounded.  And the Astros won't lose again.  They will win at home and Altuve will dance on second base and call Hal Steinbrenner a great owner. 

So what is the point?  When I root for anyone, their dream dies. And I get gobsmacked. 

So I am moving on to water polo, beach volley and skeet shooting. 

Fuck it.


  1. And I am boxing, fencing, singing, watching B movies from the '70s. Maybe I'll watch that 2009 Yankee World Series dvd once more this winter. It's looking like a particularly bad, hopeless winter for us this year. Even worse than usual.

    A good double feature dvd to pick up is Peter Fonda's "Race With the Devil" and "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry". Both B movie classics. Fonda said he was embarrassed by the title of Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry, but he had a helluva great time making that picture, and ended up making a small fortune from both movies. He was smart enough to ask for a percentage of profits, instead of just a salary. A lot of times dumbass low budget movies like these can be huge hits at the box office. The woman who played Dirty Mary decided to take just a salary, based on her agent's advice, much to her chagrin later on.

  2. Bowling and curling. And obscure 90 year old movies.

    Set for the winter.

  3. Saw "The Uninvited" last night. Way overrated. But, as we used to say, some cute chicks. And nice seascapes off the coast of England.

    In both those sense, infinitely more pleasurable than you average, 13-strikeout, five-hit Yankees outing.

  4. It is a paradox

    We ALL want to just say fuck off an die to HAL, Ca$hole and the whole exexpletive office (sic).

    It would be great if we (and all Yankee fans) did. But this website would wither on the vine. And no one wants that.

    Far better to attract more like minded individuals (like that guy in Jersey with the sign) and overthrow the failed regime. Our conundrum is we're all old, and who knows how long it will take.

  5. Living in New York years ago afforded me one of life’s great pleasures: my brother and I would drive down the Jersey turnpike for a Phillies/Mets games. Waiting for us at the bottom of the off ramp we’re kids selling warm pretzels. Worth the trip.

    I don’t know what they’re like now, but the Philly fans back then used to show up at the Vet just to engage in drunken brawls with Mets fans. Good times.

  6. I still play softball and wear my Yankee hat in Red Sox territory. My love of the game remains. And pissing off the locals is worth the price of my faded hat. But I ain't buying a new one until Cashman, Levine and Trost are gone. Yankees have been my team since I was 6 years old, but I don't go to games any more, even though I go to NYC frequently for work, family and music. I won't waste my money on YES and I pay less and less attention to the team. I'm not spending any more money on this team until top-shelf decision-makers are fired.

    My hat still has a few years left in it.

  7. I won a race at the Quaker City Sprints regatta one year.


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