Sunday, October 22, 2023

Jeter on the cowboy hat: "New Yorkers don't wear these."

The other night, Papi handed them out, trying to make some dipshit point.

A-Rod put his on. Jeet refused. 

Damn. Why isn't he running the Yankees?

Seriously. He remains an icon of New York, respected by all, the last vestige of Yankee greatness, and even at 49, he remains one of the coolest people on the planet.

He has experience running an organization. He remains among the career leaders in postseason HRs (even though he was not known for power.) 

And he won't wear a silly hat, because he - correctly - understands the zeitgeist of NYC.

Bounce Brian Cashman to a windowless office with a fake putting green and click-clack desk doohickey. Let him design Starr Insurance arm patches and in-game radio ads for Geico and Little Debbie Snack Cakes. Put Jeter in charge of reviving the Yankees.

Instead of waiting for "the next Jeter," why not use the one we still have? 


  1. Here’s an idea……..

    Can we all picket Cashman’s Chistmas Dwarf Building Rappel fundraiser this year?

    Holding up mean spirited signs insulting Cashman and Hal and the Yankees whilst holding off the organizers and police by handing out dollar bills and donuts like we’re at a seedy after hours Dunkin Donuts strip club somewhere in the bowels of ‘Jersey?

    And most importantly - handing out our two-sided one page IIHIIFIIC manifestos to the Press on hand, bolstered by us tipping them off in advance to our intentions.

    This could be our second blog member gathering of 2023. We could all wear one of these:

    Guy Fawkes style.

    I’d even come back East for it.

    Whaddaya think?

  2. Preach, Duque, preach!

    Watching the witless pregame banter, I often think how it must feel for Jeter to be surrounded by two men who are where they are mostly because they cheated. Constantly, for years, while lying about it.

    A-Rod was recently reported as being angered by the fact that his number hasn't been retired. Are you kidding me? And Big're a big fraud, through and through. The only reason you're in the Hall is that you're an amiable fraud, which now seems to be the standard for veneration in this country.

  3. Ortiz is an embarrassment. Not the brightest bulb, but that's allowed. But his Big Goofball act is too painful to watch.

    Good for Jeter. Fuck the dumb showboat.

  4. AA, the silence is deafening. Nice idea, though.

  5. AA - I like it as long as we make a donation to the cause he is promoting. Don't want to distract from the non profit. That said it's a worthy thought.

    Re: Jeter

    Another good thought and yes rejecting the hat is EXACTLY what this club needs.

    One thing I don't understand is why he's doing so many commercials.

    He doesn't need the money. He's already got the brand - winner with class (again the rejecting the hat is right on brand.) It just seems like he's everywhere. He should pull back.

  6. Doug, maybe he’s bored..

    Yeah, give him a job. A REAL JOB!

  7. Well, we could do death threats, we could post online photos of his children, we could follow his family in the car, I dunno, all the stuff that's popular politically these days.

    I always liked leaving flaming paper bags of poo on his doorstep, and ringing the bell, or sending him a subscription to the MAN-BOY LOVE GAZETTE.

    Actually, I shouldn't say this, but over the years, I've come to sorta like Cashman. Don't get me wrong: He's been a failure at GM. But he's got the worst job in the world - having to please Hal - and then act as a human pain sponge for everything that goes wrong.

  8. And yet, Duque, he stays in the job. There have been a lot of GM jobs open in the past 20 years. If it was so difficult working for Hal, he could've just left.

    Of course, now he's stayed too long and made too many terrible moves and terribly didn't make others. Would any other team want him at this point? I doubt it.

    He's the Stanton of the front office.

  9. Gentlemen - I was kidding.

    Just breaststroking through this post season pool of it is what it is’ ness.

    Happy Sunday to you all.

  10. What makes you think Jeter wants the job?

  11. Thank you, JM.

    I conceived it as a real possibility.

    In its design - the dollars, Doug, were meant to be a portion of our donation to the actual charity.

    The donuts . . . a donation to the police on hand.

    It was 4 in the morning and the dogs were awake, ED had posted so I threw a couple of pennies into the inspirationator.

    Let me know when you form the planning committee, Bitty - ‘cause I’ll lend a hand.

  12. AA - I would actually do it. The non-violent protest part that's protected under the 1st Amendment.

    And speaking of the Man-Boy Love Gazette - I remember one day in the 1980s, walking around my neighborhood - Ye Olde Greenwich Village - and the Pride parade was happening. It was a bit smaller than it has since become. As I stood on Hudson Street near Christopher, wondering how I'd get home through the crowds on my way back from the grocery store, a great hoopla arose and I looked up to see the NAMBLA float turning the corner. No kidding.

  13. I wore the same jacket I wore to the IIH game at the Stadium and found the small "Unwavering" sign in a pocket. So I stuck it in a mirror frame in the foyer, much to the confusion of my wife. But now she understands and is in favor of it staying there.

  14. It . . . are "the little things" that matter sometimes.

    (read out loud in the voice of Darby O'Gill)

  15. JM

    I recently had the same experience (putting on a jacket and finding the unwavering" sign.) I put it up in my office.

  16. Think I'll put on the Jints game in a few. They're playing Washington, maybe they have a shot.

    A guy can dream.

  17. Sorry, everybody. I caused that last fumble by daring to listen to game in the car for a while.

  18. Giants were totally dominating but a couple fumbles and the defense suddenly becoming very porous... yeah, it's just another Giants game.

  19. Steve, they find new ways to lose all of their own.

  20. If there’s one team the Giants can beat, it’s the Red-, er I mean the Commanders, or whatever they’re calling themselves this week.


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