Sunday, August 21, 2022

For Paul O'Neill Day, Hicks is back in the lineup.


Along with Marwin Gonzalez, Judge back in the 2 slot, and DJ hitting 4th. Uh, okay.  Makes an alternate universe, maybe.

Yanks have now lost six straight series, their most in a row since 1995.

But hey, sometimes a picture really is worth a thousand words—or sobs:


Carl J. Weitz said...

Hoss...Is that his baseball card glued to his head?

Carl J. Weitz said...

Wait...maybe that's where Hicks keeps that compromising picture of Cashman for safe keeping. Under his cap.

AboveAverage said...
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AboveAverage said...
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AboveAverage said...

Third time's the charm . . .

Come on now, Carl. We all know that t he card is there to cover over Hicksy's blow hole.

AboveAverage said...

Maybe if Boone managed today's game wearing a Batman Cowl - then we'd start putting up some runs.

HoraceClarke66 said...

The sad part is how intensely he's looking for it: 'Wait, I KNOW I wrote down how to play this next guy!"

AboveAverage said...

At least the man can read, right?

HoraceClarke66 said...

No Jeter for the ceremonies today, which seems a little sad, and a little odd.

Meanwhile, every shot of the Yankees' dugout shows Judge and others with feeble smiles, or looking completely distracted. Like parents at a high school graduation who are facing a biopsy report on Monday.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Pretty funny gift, a battered water cooler with a bat through it, to Paulie—who kicked it over for the fans.

Meanwhile, the 2022 team gave him a framed copy of his uniform with all of their autographs on it. Yeah, I bet he's going to savor THAT one!

HoraceClarke66 said...

Albert Abreu on the DL, meanwhile, which is either the height of hypocrisy or gross negligence on the part of the coaching/training staffs.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Cashman's name booed at the O'Neill ceremony. Evil Weasel did not have the balls to show up.

AboveAverage said...

Loved the boos for BOTH Cashman and Hal

Ken of Brooklyn said...

As was Hal, booed walking up, and louder as he left. The Yankees are doomed to fail with Cashman and Hal at the helm, either/and by ignorance> retread/bargain older former glory players, or by design >more cost effective to make> then fail in there playoffs. I have been schooled on this by ALL of you over this last month, and my last illusions about this organization have been thoroughly erased.

It's the first time in my life that I've been jealous of my Met friends,,,,,,


JM said...

Let's go Mets.

AboveAverage said...

Meet the doom

Greet the gloom

The way Torontos' playing

We'll get the broom



The New York Yankees have scored a run!

Stay tuned for further updates.

ranger_lp said...

We finally have a lead…

JM said...

Barney, +1

AboveAverage said...

JM - Sending positive thoughts and well wishes to your wife.

Hope you can get the pain management she needs today.

AboveAverage said...

Cole HOT

JM said...

Thanks, AA.

JM said...

Barney's comment got ghosted.

JM said...

I have to say, I haven't been keeping up with the intramural rivalries around here.

JM said...

Peralta is pretty bad. Lasagna wasn't too hot, either. What a bullpen. Anyone seen Schmidt? Is he still on milk cartons?

JM said...

This is painful.

Hinkey Haines said...

This team sucks in so many ways.

JM said...


AboveAverage said...

what was the call what was the call what was the call?!?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

What was the HR call?!?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Is there an echo in here?

AboveAverage said...

Is there an echo in here isn't that good of a home run call

JM said...


Hinkey Haines said...

Multi beni, followed by it's raining beni-s from heaven.

Stang said...


AboveAverage said...

There is an ECHO in here

Stang said...

This was Doug Ks prediction: "ANDY IS DANDY... MOLTO BENNY!"

Close enough, I say!

JM said...

Yeah, I only had the Andy is dandy part. Bennies from heaven, though... didn't see that one coming.

JM said...

Bennies.... like, uppers?

Stang said...

On reflection, it's probably "BENNY'S FROM HEAVEN." Instead of benzedrine.

AboveAverage said...

You'd have to ask Bud Harrelson about that

AboveAverage said...

You'd have to ask Bud Harrelson about that - refers to an interview he had once after a Met's game on Kiner's Korner where he joked about "uppers" (all of my Harrelson comments are being dropped)

AboveAverage said...

but I signed out and in - so maybe that took care of it

ranger_lp said...

Can we waive Gonzalez now?

Stang said...

No, now that I listen to it again, it's definitely BENNIES. Benzedrine. I'd forgotten already about the RAINING part.

JM said...

Whatever powered that home run, it worked.

ranger_lp said...

Yankees Win!!!

Hinkey Haines said...

Blind squirrel, meet acorn. Acorn, meet blind squirrel.

HoraceClarke66 said...

A win is a win is a win. And the pitching looked good.

Doug K. said...

Great win.

I'm in Nebraska and my app cut out just before Benintendi hit the HR so I didn't hear the call. Then it came back right after.

Thanks for saying what it was.

Stang said...

Congrats, Doug! You nailed it!

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside said...

It’s too late now, but the kids would have loved “friends with bennies”.

I did text Suzyn Doug’s Molto Benny line when he first came up with it so I believe this blog really helped make that happen. Sure took long enough.

At least I texted it to someone named Suzyn Waldman from Croton on Hudson. Probably just some crazy old cat lady who thinks I’m nuts… So it is the real Suzyn!

Kevin said...

What a overall classless day for Paul.

Publius said...

A couple wins a week from here on out, maybe 3 in a good week, and they should hold on to the division. That wrst coast swing will be very interesting.

Doug K. said...

beau- LOL.

Stang - Thanks. :)

Right now I'm watching the NY Giants because my hotel has the NFL Chanel and that's the game they are showing.

So overall I'd say it's been a good day.

HoraceClarke66 said...

Really, Kevin? I thought he did all right, but I didn't watch the game.

He seemed move during the ceremonies, thanked his family, the team, the Bleacher Creatures. He's not a really emotive guy, but I thought that was all right.

What was the classless part?

EDB said...

The Yankees, specifically Genius Cashman love Barren Hicks. He can do no wrong. With his lack of power and .216 batting avarage.

Terry said...

No more Hicks. EVER!!!!!