Wednesday, June 3, 2009

John Really Needs To Go On The Radio TONIGHT And Get Everyone's Name Right...

...but it's iffy right now. Look at that rain!

Yankee Rainout?

Is The Voice Of The Yankees the latest victim of the Deadspin Jinx? Or the Awful Announcing Hex?

UPDATE! Weather experts say we'll probably get a game tonight, then like 30 consecutive rainouts. So John only gets one shot.


Wondercat said...

Looks like Vicente "The Latin Irabu" Padilla got released after last night. Hopefully someone else will pick up that toad-like beanballer so we can get some more cracks at him.

Stang said...

Same thing happened this year to Adam Eaton. Released from the Os the day after the Yankees beat him. It's not enough to win; NYY have to ruin their lives.