Friday, June 5, 2009

Letter to the Editor: Happy about "the loudest and best Yankee-hater"

June 2, 2009 Tuesday

Dear Editor,

What is up with the Texas Rangers security? They force a woman to wear her shirt inside out because it says "Yankees Suck."

I was at that game against the Yankees. The security guards were throwing people out of the park when the bleachers section chanted "Yankees suck; Yankees suck." No other fans complained.

These over-zealous security guards took it upon themselves to say that was offensive language.
I disagree, and I think the other 20,000 to 30,000 fans also enjoyed hating on the Yankees. The man in front of me with two boys, ages 5 and 7, was the loudest and best Yankee-hater.

I am excited about the Rangers' chances this year. It's great to watch a winning team after it has struggled so many years.

But if they are going to take away our freedom to express ourselves at games, I will stay at home and watch on TV.

Rangers fans are historically subdued compared with other cities in pro baseball. This year we have a reason to make noise, and they won't let us.

Steve Markovitch
Mount Pleasant

Dear Editor,

The word "suck" has only recently become a part of everyday language.

It was formerly considered a dirty word and was right up there with the F-word. Somehow, sadly, it has come into common vernacular, but it is still offensive and vulgar.

How about "Yankees Stink"? She may have gotten away with that one and raised her dignity in the bargain.

Mary Ellen Gherardi

1 comment:

Stang said...

Please tell us, Mary Ellen Gherardi, who can't even spell Girardi, what is being sucked that makes the expression so dirty?