Monday, June 1, 2009

Not Yankee-Related, But Awesome

Seattlite and Hall-Of-Famer Buhner's Ghost tips us to an incident that involved two Mariners over the weekend:

Ken Griffey Jr. has found Ichiro's "tickle spot" and had him on the ground, during warm-ups, tickling him until Ichiro could be heard crying out in laughter and pleading for him to stop.
Seattle Times


Psychologist Fonzie said...

Hey SUPERF......

You get these insights because you used to live there, right?

I've never seen a Japanese ballplayer laugh.

Or pee himself from so doing in pre-game warm-ups.

You are very luck.

michael kei said...


el duque said...

One night in Cincy, Griffey found my tickle spot. From then on, he never let up. Believe me: You do NOT want Ken Griffey finding your tickle spot.