Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Poetry Corner: It's Jose Veras Time

When all our pitching turns to slime,
When every fielder’s lodged some crime,
Our deficit’s too tall to climb,
We shout, “It’s Jose Veras time!”

When everybody's past his prime,
Our chances, they’re not worth a dime.
That’s when Girardi’s voice will chime,
“All right, it’s Jose Veras time!”

The Yankee death knell creeps, sublime,
Our tortured souls interred with grime,
It even sucks to write this rhyme,
When trapped in Jose Veras time.


Stang said...

That was good. Do Tomko!

William Dukenfield said...

Did I hear the voice say that Tomko was picked up this year? I swear he said Tomko was released by KC and picked up two weeks ago.

Or was I just drinking too much last night?

She-Fan said...

Yes, do Bombko! And then Chris Britton for old time's sake.

adam said...

It's alright... I just watched Ron Villone blow a game for the Nationals. At least we don't have that fucker pitching for us anymore.