Tuesday, June 2, 2009

There's a reason it's called the B.S. Report ...

Bill Simmons has the cover story at ESPN.com, and it's all about David Ortiz. Here's the promo line:

"What's wrong with David Ortiz? Bill Simmons offers his theory. And it doesn't link Big Papi to PEDs."

Well, of course not. It's ESPN, you know. Sox and 'roids can't be mentioned in the same sentence, unless it's some sort of "Why, of course he's clean!" garbage.


Anonymous said...

ur a moron...theres no proof of papi usin steroids...i didnt know baseball players now were guilty now before being proven innocent...
and uh yea I didnt realize ESPN had such hatred for the yankees...my bad...i compltely forgot how little they cover and show their love for the team...they love the skanks and sox equally so ur point doesn't make any sense

Anonymous said...

Shanks and Sux, not Sox.