Monday, September 6, 2010

Put A-Rod Back On The DL

So we wait all this time for his calf to stop barking.

The team "steps up" and goes, what, 15-3 without him?

Now we are 0-2 with him.

We have commenced a season ending collapse. This could become the longest losing streak of the season for us.

Everyone relaxed when A-Rod came back. No clutch hitting. No daring base running. Rotten pitching.

This was another one of those games where, once we were down 1-0, it was over.

And it was.

And it is.


el duque said...

This is a disgrace. Who is running this show, anyway? Can't somebody out there reinjure him?

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Are the Yankees on Fox this weekend? About the only thing jerk Buck is good for is getting Arod injured

Rufus T. Firefly said...

Sorry, I got the name wrong. It should have said "Joke Buck"