Wednesday, August 10, 2011

10 things this team cannot or will not do

1. Retire lame hitters who used to play for the Yankees.

2. Gently, without humilation, reduce the exposure of Jorge Posada.

3. Come to grips with the increasing struggles of Mariano.

4. Find a realistic long term plan, beyond inclusion in a trade, for Jesus Montero.

5. Hit a pitcher that it's never seen.

6. Figure out what the hell to do with AJ Brunette.

7. Acquire or develop a solid LH reliever.

8. Bunt.

9. Reduce the number of irritating, obnoxious in-game ads that John and Suzyn constantly recite.

10. Beat Boston.


Alph the Seer said...

As to item #4:

1. Romine is now on the DL with a back injury.

2. Sanchez is spending his off-moments in a mental institution.

3. It is a perfect time to trade Jesus for a tight end.

Joe De Pastry said...

11. Stop intentionally walking guys even though they usually wind up scoring.

12. Teach Nunez how to play third base or have the brains to put Chavez there when A-weird isn't.