Friday, August 5, 2011

Going To War In Boston

over there (mp3)
Bar-to-lo, get your re-built gun, get your gun, get your gun,
Take it on the run, on the run, on the run,
Hear them call-ing you and me, ev'-ry son of lib-er-ty
Hur-ry right a-way, no de-lay, go to-day
Make your Dad-dy glad to have had such a lad,
Tell your sweet-heart not to pine, to be proud her boy's in line

O-ver there, o-ver there, send the word, send the word, o-ver there,
That the Yanks are com-ing, the Yanks are com-ing,
The drums rum-tum-ming ev'-ry where
So pre-pare, say a prayer, send the word, send the word to be-ware
We'll be o-ver, we're com-ing o-ver,
And we won't come back 'til it's o-ver O-ver There!


The Colonel said...

Yes Sir!!

Joe De Pastry said...

You've got class, Jimmy.