Sunday, August 10, 2008

Giese Wrecks Chance for Historical, Biblical Yank Meltdown

What was Dan Giese thinking? Pitch six shutout innings?

Waste our time, that's what he did.

If not for Giese, and his continual mission to make this roster, we today could be savoring the greatest Yank loss in history.

What if Ian Kennedy had filled those six innings?

At five runs per two innings, that would have made the score 15-3 at the end of six. Final score would have been 26-3 -- a future where-we-you-when date for Yankee trivia.

BUT WAIT... Girardi wouldn't have left Kennedy in for six innings. Let's say he pulled Ian after 4, when the score was 10-3. That means Joe would have been more likely to leave Jose Veras and Edwar Ramirez in the game longer. Thus, the 10 runs they gave up in one inning of work might have been multiplied by two. That would leave the score at 30-3, with one inning left.

Who would do mop up? It would have to be Chris Britton, recalled from Scranton in the fourth inning, about 8 hours earlier. So lets figure that Britton, sniffing an opportunity to impress Yank management, would give up maybe two runs.

Final: 32-3... the greatest Yankee loss in history. Direct to DVD and onto Cooperstown.

(And people think it's easy being a Yankee fan?)

1 comment:

Bostowned said...

The season officially ended when Joba went on the DL. Unofficially it ended when Wang went down.

Hey I got an idea, lets get some more offense in trades instead of pitching. This way they can sit in the clubhouse and look like overpaid jackasses like the rest of the team. Wait wait.....we did that already.
I love X but Pudge is a needless trade, not that Id rather have Farnsworth-less though. But bringing Pudge in to eat up our bullpen and rotation, kill the confidence in the kids that Molina has built up at the cost of a few base hits more then Molina was providing was a completely stupid, season ending decision.

Sexson = waste of time that at least didnt cost the Yanks anything. Melky has lost his place on the Yanks will probably be dealt in the offseason for a couple of minor league prospects. CF will be Damons for his final year as a Yankee.

Next year, the yanks will win it all. Once all our damned players can keep themselves healthy. Manny wants to be a Yankee? Sounds like an upgraded DH to me. Bye bye Giambi. Abreu/Nady/Damon/Matsui in the outfield? Which one will go? Abreu most likely. I expect Pettite will return just to play one year in the new stadium. Moose will get another 2 year deal, Wang and Joba will anchor the rotation and Hughes will round out the #5 spot. Kennedy could be dealt, possibility with Melky, for a catching prospect.

Can anyone tell that Im already looking forward to the off-season and spring training? Heres to a bring World Series that gets crap-ola ratings!