Thursday, February 5, 2009

Phelps Dropped from Frosted Flakes for Being Frosted

What a flake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Note to Bishop Kellogg and Lead Moral Authority for the State of Michigan:

Are you aware that probably
90% of the people who eat your dumb flakes do so only after inhaling a different kind of flake at mid-night , while watching re-runs of Linda Lovelace?

Or is this brilliant stroke of corporate governance designed to protect the 10-12 year old cereal eaters who rush off to smoke dope in their school basements?

By stripping Michael Phellps' face off of your weight-shorted flake boxes, you win all of our admiration for your ethical, pure values....despite the economic con job of giving us a bigger box, fewer flakes, and a higher price.

Indirectly, it is this kind of cereal leadership which supports the declared national war on drugs ( not a sovereign nation and, therefore, a legal war ) and supports the economy by enabling authorized "government agents" to buy ( and confiscate ) cigarette speed boats, airplanes, fast cars, submarines, helicopters, yachts, houses on the waterways and tons of cash. NOt to mention , the occasional disappearance of a kilo or two of product

And all of this moral protection and purifying comes to the taxpayers at the cost of only about $50 Billion per year (to those of us who pay taxes) which, as we are seeing, is immaterial to high-placed folks trying to be Cabinet members who aren't required to pay taxes.

So Bishop Kellog and Lead Moral Authority of Michigan, you are right on; get Michael Phellps off that package, off that swim team, and send him to Bible School.

Only, of course, until the run-up to the next Olympics, when all will be forgiven.