Friday, April 3, 2009

Alphonso's Visit to the New Stadium: A Photo Essay

Alphonso drove up from the Mexican Dirt League, meeting me in the big town, for a gold card tour of the new Pinstripe Proud Palace of Pleasure.
He was beaming about his own customized proud pleasure machine.
A big fan of Glenn Beck, he brought supplies a-plenty. Alph vowed never to suffer from scurvy again, though I could barely fit his booty into my fleet.

To engratiate himself with the "wee ones" of NYC, he brought funny hats.

Alph had the whole trip mapped out. We stopped for lunch at one of his favorite locations.

Unfortunately, his sister got into one of her foul moods and refused to go into the stadium with us.

Once inside, we romped through the bleachers, enjoying the place, until Alphonso happened to see one of his oldest enemies, Jason Zillo. Well, after that, everything happened fast.

Unfortunately, Zillo called the cops, and we were told to leave. Alphonso got me back home to sunny Syracuse just in time for the first days of spring.


Anonymous said...

You've done the scurvy joke before! And used that picture with it! What the fuck am I paying for???

Alphonso said...

Hey Duque,

I woke up this morning after our Big City bash and had no idea where I was. Still don't. But there is white stuff outside.

Any thoughts?