Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Are You Listening To This?

Suzyn can't stop talking about Texas Ranger Chris Davis, because he says he's trying to beat his hitting slump by wearing a thong. Suzyn mentioned the thong like three times during his 2nd inning AB (SO). Suzyn also says that Davis also says that he got the thong idea from "an aging slugger." Gentleman John interrupted her before she could identify you-know-who.

UPDATE! Suzyn is worried about the Texas pitcher's shoulder, because he once had an anvil fall on it or something. Suzyn is also worried about people getting down on Brett Gardner for being afraid to steal bases, because she can really see his side. John counters that nobody in the world sells more real estate than Remax.

UPDATE! Oops, Chris Davis just threw his bat into the stands. No mention of the thong.

UPDATE! Promotional logjam. John had to wait until after the 16th out to note that we had the 15th out and that means you can save $15 with Halliburton, or whatever. Unacceptable.

UPDATE! John Sterling just said the most John Sterlingy thing John Sterling ever said. He started to call the 3-run Thrilla By Godzilla an A-Bomb From A-Rod. His actual quote*: "IT'S AN A-BOMB--if it were by A-Rod."

*CORRECTION! Yeah, it was more like, "IT'S AN A-BOMB... from Hideki Matsui... it would be an A-Bomb... if it were from A-Rod." Duque, can we get a recording for like posterity and stuff?

UPDATE! John's errorless streak ends, but Yankee bats pick him up. Let's have less talk of curses.

UPDATE! Do you see how I used bigger text for the correction? That's called accountability and I learned it from Derek Jeter. Before I turned 50.

UPDATE! You could die waiting for Veras to get the final out.

UPDATE! John, if doing the WinWarble is such a drag, how about this? Don't do it any more.

UPDATE! WCBS will donate $10 per strikeout? What is this, 1952?

UPDATE! Michael Savage is on! And he's angry at England.


Mike said...


Mike said...

It's an A BOMB.... from.


BernBabyBern said...

The fun part of the TV broadcast was when Tex got hit, he said something to the pitcher and Kay remarks that "Tex told him to keep the ball over the plate."

Then they showed the close up, and on the high-def TV it was pretty obvious that Texy didn't quite phrase it the way Kay did ...

Stang said...

Mike, that's Red Sox talk. Yankees don't get curses.

el duque said...

I heard it. I HEARD IT.


Wondercat said...

An A-Bomb from Matsui? An honest mistake, but one that will no doubt arouse long dormant memories for Japanese listeners of the closing days of The Great War. Has Thu-uh voice lost his way in a maze of low-res jpg animations?

el duque said...

I wasn't recording, but I'll go in on the archives tomorrow and search for it.

It happened. There will be a record of it.

Stang said...

Excellent, Duque. Maybe we should change the name of the blog to An A-Bomb From Hideki.

Wondercat said...

Back to back warbles on a travel day... with a win over a non-rival long since assured? Dare I say that the player of the month curs...uh, I mean jinx, leaves us with the first sub-three second warble? God help us if I'm right.

el duque said...

I'm not expecting a WinWarble. More like a WinWhinney.

Stang said...

Let's just hope he says the right team.

Wondercat said...

Did you know 99% of emergency room visits are because of slips in the bathroom? 570WSYR is a little premature with commerials for the SavageNation crowd.

Wondercat said...

Just found out his real name is Michael Alan...Weiner. Should have changed his first name to Ace while he was increasing the power of his name.

Mike said...

Also... WCBS? Is everyone in this blog from Syracuse? (Maybe that's why you're talking about the Syracuse Sky-er- back to regular Chiefs)

Stang said...

We're from everywhere pinstripes are worshipped, Mike. You name it. NYC. FL. NC. But Syracuse has a plurality.

Irate Alphonso said...


NOt for nothing, but some of us send most of our waking hours in southern Mexico.

But who cares about fairness?

Go ahead, keep dissing me. Pretend I don't exist. I dare you.

Just like you "FOX" fascists are dissing the new Supreme Court nominee because she is not a white male, with a red tie, and a rummy nose.

The Yankees wouldn't have Veras, Albaladejo, Edwar and numerous other failed independent league back-ups were it not for me and the likes of me.

No, not everyone is from Syracuse !!!

But we do like their barbeque...

Stang said...

Por favor, acepte mis más sinceras disculpas, Alfonso.

Senor Alph said...

Si, commo no, eh?