Wednesday, June 10, 2009

We really know how to boost Igawa's trade value

Kei Igawa pitches tomorrow against the Gwinnett Paltrows, two Ws from becoming the all-time Coaltown leader in victories.

K sounds madcap, whimsical, telling the great Chad Jennings "If I'm here, why not go for the record?" He leads SWB in wins, IPs and Ks. And face it, every Yank fan in possession of a Selena Roberts voodoo doll is thinking right now one thought:


So, think we know how to enhance trade value? This from SWB pitching coach Scott Aldred:

"I watched him throw seven scoreless the other night and he wasn't very good. He didn't spot any of his pitches. He was elevated with every thing. He got away with murder. That's how I see it... There are certain things that play out here, that will not play out in the big leagues."


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